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Administrative: in Lazio 7 greats to vote, challenges and divisions between center-right and center-left

Administrative: in Lazio 7 greats to vote, challenges and divisions between center-right and center-left
Administrative: in Lazio 7 greats to vote, challenges and divisions between center-right and center-left

Today and Sunday there are also votes in 142 Municipalities of Lazio for the renewal of the territorial councils.

In addition to the European elections, on Saturday and Sunday there will also be voting in 142 Municipalities of Lazio for the renewal of the territorial councils. After the end of the electoral campaign, with the last rallies, electoral silence began. But already today from 3 pm the polls will open and voting will begin for the European and administrative elections. In Lazio the voters called to vote are approximately 477,781. There are 7 municipalities with over 15 thousand inhabitants for which a run-off is scheduled, unless a candidate obtains an absolute majority in the first round. Of these large cities, 3 come from a centre-right administration (Civitavecchia, Tarquinia and Palestrina, the latter now under commissionership), 3 come from a centre-left administration (Monterotondo, Cassino and Veroli), and one municipality (Tivoli) it is governed by a civic mayor.

In the province of Rome, the mandate of the civic mayor Giuseppe Proietti ends in Tivoli and the center-left has split in the choice of candidates. The Democratic Party supports Giovanna Marconi, the 5 Star Movement, with the support of the Left Green Alliance, supports the candidacy of the outgoing city councilor Francesca Chimenti, an expression of the civic list “A new story”. The center-right united in Tivoli with the symbols of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia in support of Marco Innocenzi. However, the centre-right coalition is split in Civitavecchia, where the second mandate of the centre-right mayor Ernesto Tedesco ends. The clash took place in the Roman port town: on one side Forza Italia and Noi Moderati, together with the civic lists Uniti per Civitavecchia and Leali Legali Liberi, support the former general of the Guardia di Finanza Paolo Poletti; on the other side there are Fratelli d’Italia and Lega who bring Massimiliano Grasso. The Democratic Party will instead be running with Marco Piendibene, the 5 Star Movement will run with the outgoing councilor Vincenzo D’Antò.

In Monterotondo, the outgoing centre-left mayor Riccardo Varone, supported by the Democratic Party, is on the field to try for a second mandate. The 5 Star Movement instead nominates Angelo Capobianco. The centre-right coalition, with Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia and Lega, presents itself united in support of Simone Di Ventura’s candidacy. In Palestrina, however, the Municipality has been under a commissioner since last March, following the no-confidence vote in the centre-right mayor Mario Moretti, voted in the council by his own majority. The centre-right, therefore, will try to take back the Municipality, but runs divided in the first round: Fd’I, Udc and Lega support Eleonora Nuvoli, while FI supports Giuseppe Cilia. The Democratic Party brings Igino Macchi, while Avs fields Cristiana Polucci. There is also Ludovico Rosicarelli, with his own civic list.

The other three large municipalities up for vote outside the province of Rome are: Tarquinia, in the province of Viterbo, Cassino and Veroli in the province of Frosinone. In Tarquinia the outgoing centre-right mayor Alessandro Giulivi is running for a second term, supported by the Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia alliance. Francesco Sposetti is challenging him, supported by the only example of alliance between the 5 Star Movement, Pd, Avs and a civic list. Similar scenario in Cassino where the outgoing centre-left mayor Enzo Salera is running for an encore with the support of the Democratic Party. He will face Arturo Buongiovanni, supported by the united centre-right. Then on the pitch Peppe Sebastianelli also supported by Action; Maria Palumbo of the ultra-left and the civic Paola Polidoro. Finally, there are more names in the field in Veroli, where the centre-left mayor Simone Cretaro ends his mandate. The candidates running are all civic, except FI which explicitly supports Patrizia Viglianti, the outgoing councillor. The other aspiring mayors of Veroli will avail themselves of the support of the parties: Germano Caperna has received the support of the Democratic Party, Cristiano Papetti that of Fratelli d’Italia and Lega.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this