the key points for the future

Andrea Pirlo will meet Pietro Accardi next week: future plans to build a Serie A Sampdoria are on the table

Pietro Accardi is ready to take on the challenge of Sampdoria. The future manager of the technical area has reached an agreement with the owners, who are willing to offer him a contract biennial three million gross per season and full powers. Lee’s strategies will, however, also have to be shared with Andrea Pirlo.

The meeting with the coach, which should arrive next week, after the signing of the contract and the return to Italy of Pirlo, it will be one of the key points for next season. The two don’t know each other, but they will have to do it and they will have to put their points of view on the table. Finding a meeting point.

Sampdoria, Andrea Pirlo’s plans for the transfer market

Sampdoria, Pirlo-Accardi meeting: the key points for the future

READ ALSO Sampdoria, Manfredi bets on Pietro Accardi: he will earn more than Pirlo. The figures

There’s a market important thing to do, with almost half the team to be re-founded and this commitment can only come from a solid union between the coach and the sports director. We will talk about the market, entries, exits, the roles to be filled, the possible names. Everything to form a Sampdoria that he can, already next year, return to A league after only cherishing the dream this year, losing in the preliminary round against Palermo.

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