EUROPEAN: Last day of the electoral campaign, before the silence….


But the Italians? More doubtful than before, more perplexed and disoriented.

There seems to have been a lot of electoral campaigns defined as “insignificant”, according to many readers who contact us and from the information found on social media, to be taken into consideration albeit with due caution, especially in recent years.

This latest electoral round, which will end at 11pm on June 9th, not only does not seem to escape the idea that Italians have formed over time, but it actually seems to have increased the sense of distrust, non-belonging and distrust that has never been touched .

The most tangible demonstration can probably be seen with the growing decrease in voter participation and abstentionism, a phenomenon that has been growing strongly in previous rounds and which seems to be increasingly unstoppable.

A phenomenon which however appears to be very welcome to all parties, whether they have governed, whether they are in existence or whether they are in opposition, but which probably seem to have every interest in maintaining the status quo or redistributing themselves, but only within themselves , the various positions.

Almost as if to demonstrate that a low turnout of voters, for any reason, guarantees them the peace of mind of maintaining dominant positions, also being able to count on what are defined, who knows to what extent incorrectly, “the camel troops” who ensure them the vote of continuity, and which is impossible to stop.

However, asking yourself, even on the eve of the vote, why you vote and who to vote for becomes at least legitimate if you really want to have civic awareness and responsibility.

Thus, for these European elections, all the parties extol their desire for: more Europe, the Europe we want, that they will change Europe, that Italy will change Europe, Italy that counts in Europe, and so on and so forth there’s more to it.

In support, we attach the video which summarizes many of them, and produced by AskaNews, a well-known Italian news agency.

The slogans of the parties for the European elections

But to do what?

It still leads us to reflect on the uncommon opening of polling stations, which sees the half-day opening of polling stations moved from the “traditional” Monday to Saturday.

In fact, the polling stations will open to the public to welcome voters at 3pm on Saturday 8 June, closing at 11pm, to then reopen on Sunday 9 June at 7am and close at 11pm to begin the counting of ballots.

The day and a half was respected, but why half a day on Saturday and not the usual half day on Monday?

However, returning to why to vote and who, we believe it is interesting to re-propose the article published a few days ago by BETAPRESS, with an interesting title:

“The real party must be Italy”.

The real party must be Italy

Among the many considerations received, we highlight the one sent to us by a reader and which we report as received.

Considerations that express the sentiment of the millions of voters who in this time, despite wanting information, have doubts and… not only that.

Considerations that also highlight the great economic and financial commitment that all Italians and Europeans must undertake.

“ In this electoral campaign for the European elections, the position of the Italian parties (and not only) does not appear clear. Above all, some positions should be clarified: first of all, do we want a Europe of Nations with the strengthening of the political roles of individual nations or a more united Europe based on transfers of sovereignty? And how do we combine the idea of ​​a Europe that enters with a straight leg into issues that are often vital for citizens and a Europe in which individual states weaken European positions with respect to Russia, China and the USA?

Europe seems to be the result of a dystocic and confused birth and even more so, with the enlargement to the east which seemed more caused by the desire to weaken Russia than by the actual desire to create a strong Europe based on cultures, religions, common and shared ethnic groups.

So far, European governments have appeared pale in their positions on foreign policies, immigration, support for economies, and in dealing with pandemic threats. It’s time for a change, but I see so much confusion about why in this European vote, perhaps the most important since the EU was born.

Among many considerations, certainly subjective, I believe that, if the requests to be voted for were made by loyal and responsible people, those who present themselves to confirm and therefore renew the previous mandate should do so by presenting potential voters with a detailed report on their work carried out in the previous 5 years and on the results achieved…

… considering how much their role costs Italians it should be not only a “duty” but rather a “rule”.

It seems clear that all this “nebulosity”, “inconsistency” of objectives, “lack of clarity, has made voting, which in addition to being a right is a duty, devoid of meaning and bite, thus favoring abstentionism.

Abstentionism which plays into the hands of small parties, who otherwise would have no chance of obtaining any seats, given that the threshold is present.

In fact, the fewer voters there are, the fewer votes are needed to have the right of access.

How bizarre is the propaganda of those who, perhaps having failed to present their list, also due to the complicated bureaucracy and the high number of signatures to be collected, try to convince voters not to vote in protest.

Protest about what? Since only the votes of the aforementioned “camel troops” are enough to elect representatives.

In any case it is a duty to respect even those who do not vote.

Perhaps the candidates could provide an incentive, but even there, there doesn’t seem to be much clarity, if not for the fact that many of the leaders are there to attract votes, well aware that they will hardly leave the current positions they already have in Italy.

Thus increasing indifference, mistrust and, as a logical consequence, abstention.

There would seem to be only one case of a leading candidate, Vannacci Roberto, who declared himself independent and not a member of the party, who outlined the precise objectives to be achieved in Europe, and which are common to the majority of Italians.

Objectives shared by Italians, because they desire that normality, security, justice, work and everything else that Europe seems to have strongly questioned.

He is perhaps the only one who has also put peace at the center as an objective, with great competence, given the role he has played up to now, in a moment where peace has given way to war, and which could involve us all.

The position of the well-known Prof. Giovanni Frajese thus becomes interesting, as in his platform, with a great sense of responsibility, he reviews his position as an abstentionist, placing in Vannacci Roberto, the hope of that change, starting precisely from the hope of peace, proclaimed by many without tracing its contours.

Ettore Lembo

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