The Alto Salento GAL seminars on landscape protection and management are underway: starting with the extra-virgin olive oil supply chain | newⓈ

The Alto Salento GAL seminars on landscape protection and management are underway: starting with the extra-virgin olive oil supply chain | newⓈ
The Alto Salento GAL seminars on landscape protection and management are underway: starting with the extra-virgin olive oil supply chain | newⓈ

They will kick off next Friday 7 June 2024 the initiatives financed by the intervention 5.1 “Implement an awareness campaign on the protection and correct management of the landscape” of the Local Action Plan (LAP) 2014 -2020 of the ALTO SALENTO 2020 GAL.

The intervention as a whole aims to give value to the agricultural production of the Alto Salento linked to the historical rural landscape of the Piana degli olive groves, the Murgia dei trulli and the Piana Brindisina, accompanying the agricultural and agritourism entrepreneurs and young farmers of the area in an update path aimed at strengthening supply chains and the ability to deal with local and international markets. The information activities will be aimed both at learning about significant experiences of agricultural regeneration and at the diversification and strengthening of other productions in Alto Salento.

The seminars will be dedicated to the main production chains of the area: olive-oil, vine-wine, fruit and vegetables, dairy.

Off we go so with the first cycle of meetings dedicated to knowledge of the extra-virgin olive oil supply chain in Alto Salento and innovative promotional-marketing strategies: starting from Friday 7 June experts in the sector will take turns in the classroom to delve deeper into the knowledge of the product, the production and landscape context of the Upper Salento; the communication techniques useful for focusing attention on the oil product and the territory of origin (also through social media); The instruments of marketing useful for marketing products and finally the diversification possibilities that open up thanks to new forms of tourism such as oil tourism. The section dedicated to people will be very important tasting education courses of extra virgin olive oil, a real practical mini-course to learn to know and appreciate the “liquid gold” of Alto Salento.

In the last months the operators have already been selected relating to the aforementioned supply chains who will participate in the seminars: nevertheless, to enlarge the audience as much as possible and give the opportunity to those interested in learning more about the topics covered, the seminars will be open to the public.

The meetings will take place in the afternoon, every two or three weeks as per the attached calendar, at the headquarters of the Alto Salento GAL, in C.da Li Cuti in Ostuni and will end by 10 July.

For further information and reservations, write to [email protected]

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