Michele Merlo, the singer’s death three years ago. Parents: «An always open wound»

Michele Merlo, the singer’s death three years ago. Parents: «An always open wound»
Michele Merlo, the singer’s death three years ago. Parents: «An always open wound»

OfRebecca Luisetto

The death of the former “Amici” and “X Factor” contestant on 6 June 2021. The discussion between the parties on compensation failed: “The legal case makes the pain even deeper”

Three years have passed since the death of Michele Merlo, the singer and songwriter from Rosà who passed away on 6 June 2021, at the age of 28, due to fulminant leukemia. «As always, it is a hard moment for us – states Domenico Merlo, the artist’s father, also on behalf of his wife Katia Ferrari – We both know that it is not possible to forget, but we would at least like to close this wound that continues to remain open due to the criminal proceedings and the question of compensation. Our only desire is to move on and leave this dark period behind us. We will always keep Michele in our pocket, with us.”

The family opposed the filing

In fact, at the moment the legal matter linked to the death of the former contestant of “Amici” and “X Factor” remains suspended. The judge for preliminary investigations of Vicenza, Nicolò Gianesini, has not yet released its reservation regarding the decision to close the case or not of manslaughter for which the artist’s GP Pantaleo Vitaliano (lawyer Andrea Biasia) is being investigated as proposed by the deputy prosecutor Jacopo Augusto Corno, who justified his request by saying that the expert reports would not show absolute certainty that a correct diagnosis on May 26, 2021, the date of the victim’s medical examination, could have saved the young man’s life. The lawyer who protects the family, Marco Antonio Dal Ben, opposed the dismissal motivating it through a reconstruction that would show the causal link between the doctor’s check-up and the twenty-eight-year-old’s death. In fact, for there to be the conditions for an indictment regarding medical liability in the context of criminal proceedings, certainty of the link between medical error and death is necessary. This, however, is not foreseen in civil proceedings, which only require the existence of an error which with “appreciable probability” is the cause of death.

No negotiations

Yesterday, Thursday 6 June, while waiting to hear the magistrate’s decision, a meeting was held between the parties in the trial in Vicenza, at the Chamber of Commerce body that deals with mediation between civil parties. A step required by law before setting foot in court for a civil case, to promote mediation and resolve the dispute out of court. But the counterparties avoided the discussion, so no negotiation took place. All that remains is to wait. Meanwhile Michele Merlo’s parents continue to remember him through the «Romantico Ribelle» association, of which his father is president, which already has two dates this month in memory of the singer. «The first evening is scheduled for June 12 – explains Domenico Merlo – and will be held in the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in via Caccia in Verona. While on June 30th there will be the final of the “Credici semper” contest in San Mauro Mare (Forlì-Cesena), the winners of the two competing categories this year too will have the opportunity to record one of their songs and see it published by a record label”. «On both occasions – concludes the father – Some of Michele’s singer friends will be present and Alice Porta, the author of the novel “The heart between the lines” which is dedicated to my son.”

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June 7, 2024


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