Tax reform, meeting with the deputy minister Leo and the productive forces of the territory (VIDEO)


VITERBO – “We must necessarily facilitate one or more reforms for businesses, protect them, taking into account certain rules. From the next budget law, I am convinced that we will find a meeting point that is reconcilable and compatible with public finance rules, because otherwise enormous problems would be created for the entire country.”
These are the conclusions reached by the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Maurizio Leo, in a video conference this afternoon 4 June at the Unindustria headquarters in Viterbo, in the meeting on the Tax Reform in the presence of local entrepreneurs and artisans.
Speaking with the Deputy Minister, Sergio Saggini for Unindustria, Andrea Belli representing ANCI, Michael Del Moro from Confartigianato and the Hon. Mauro Rotelli.
Andrea Belli, president of the National Association of Italian Municipalities, spoke about urban regeneration and ecological transition, topics also presented to the European Union, asking the Deputy Minister how to address these issues.
Sergio Saggini, President of Unindustria of Viterbo, after having outlined the problems arising from the super bonus and considering that the company is the foundation of our economy, asked to know the plans for the future.
Del Moro, provincial president of Confartigianato Imprese of Viterbo, also underlined the major difficulties of the sector, asking how new and necessary fiscal rules will be organised.
“We are working – said Deputy Minister Leo – to simplify the procedures, reaching out to the honest taxpayer, who does not want to have problems, but certainties about job security, tax control, in a logic of collaboration”. Thanks for Maurizio Leo’s speech by the Hon. Rotelli, on behalf of companies, artisans and professionals present in the audience.

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