Declared dead in a nursing home, at the funeral home they discover that she is breathing in her coffin: shock in the USA

Declared dead in a nursing home, at the funeral home they discover that she is breathing in her coffin: shock in the USA
Declared dead in a nursing home, at the funeral home they discover that she is breathing in her coffin: shock in the USA

The case of Mrs. Constance Glantz, declared dead on Monday by the staff of the nursing home where she was cared for and found alive two hours later by an employee of the funeral home in charge of the funeral. The woman was hospitalized. The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office has launched an investigation into the case.

Everything was ready for her funeral after she had been declared dead in the hospice where she was hospitalized. Mwhile the funeral home workers prepared the body for the farewell in the coffin, however, someone discovered that in reality the woman was still breathing. The incredible mistake occurred on Monday in the USA, in Lincoln, Nebraska, where an employee of a local funeral home made the surprising discovery, immediately alerting the medical emergency services. The 75-year-old was taken to hospital she was immediately taken into care and is still alive although her condition remains serious due to an illness.

According to what was reconstructed by the local police, who are now investigating the facts, Mrs. Constance Glantz was pronounced dead on Monday, around 9.45 local time, by the staff of the nursing home where she had been cared for for some time. After the declaration of death signed by the structure, the procedures for the funeral were immediately started and the body was then transported to the funeral home to prepare the body for the final farewell. At this point her incredible discovery: about two hours after her presumed death, a funeral home worker noticed that the 74-year-old was moving her chest and was still breathing.

As local deputy police chief Houchin explained, about two hours lateraround 11:43 a.m. the same day, a 911 call was made to report a “medical emergency” at the funeral home. Rescuers arrived on the scene soon after and found staff members performing CPR on the woman who was then rushed to hospital where she remains hospitalized.

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“This is a very unusual case, I’ve been in business for 31 years and nothing like this has happened to me before,” Houchin said, explaining that the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office initiated an investigation into the accident to find out what went wrong but that there is no sign of criminal intent on the part of the nursing home which for now is not accused of anything. “I’m sure the nursing home and everyone else will take a look at what happened and I’m sure they will look at the procedures and see if they need to establish new protocols and if they were all followed as best as possible,” he concluded. representative of the police force.

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