with 2 he won Serie B in Empoli

Alessio Dionisi is ready to start again from Palermo. The Tuscan coach, how we have written late yesterday evening, now seems to be the chosen one by the club controlled by City Football Group for the new technical project which will start in a few days. The signature of the former coach Sassuolo with the rosanero association is expected in the next few hours. A nice opportunity for revenge for him, after his dismissal from the Emilian team a few months ago.

Among other things, Dionysis will find a Palermo four players with whom he has already worked during his still short career as a coach. We are talking about Pietro Ceccaroni, Francesco Di Mariano, Leo Stulac And Samuele Damiani. Four athletes with whom he lived two different experiences and who he had among his good graces in the seasons in which his rise as a coach began. Therefore these players will have the opportunity to accelerate their “integration” into the Rosanero locker room from the very first days.

Palermo, Dionisi finds Ceccaroni and Di Mariano

Pietro Ceccaroni And Francesco Di Mariano they were part of the Venezia staff in the 2019/2020 season. That was the first year in B series For Alessio Dionisi as a coach. The coach had just returned from a couple of good experiences at Fiorenzuola and to theImola. His debut among the cadets was encouraging, especially when the season resumed after the forced stop due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. That version of the lagoon team managed to string together a series of positive results in the heart of the summer of 2020, such as to be able to move away from the danger zone of the rankings.

Ceccaroni for the record he played 31 games and also proved to be a key player in the defense Venice. He was decidedly less employed Francesco Di Marianowho played on 12 occasions in the first part of the season, before going on loan to Juventus Stabia.

READ ALSO -> Palermo transfer market, Corona returns from loan to Empoli: future to be discussed

In Empoli with Stulac and Damiani

Two other elements under contract with the Palermo and already trained by Alessio Dionisi I am Leo Stulac And Samuele Damiani. Both were part of the Empoli team which in the following championship – 2020/21 – obtained promotion to A league. Good escapes from the match for him, 22 to be precise between the championship and Italian Cup.

After all, the Tuscan footballer had, among others, his own in front of him Stulac. The Slovenian, in fact, was one of the main protagonists of the ride of theEmpoli in that cadet championship. In that year the playmaker from Koper took the field on 37 occasions between the championship and Italian Cupscoring 3 goals and also providing 7 assists.

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