There is no holiday plan in hospitals. Uil requests a meeting with Ast

There is no holiday plan in hospitals. Uil requests a meeting with Ast
There is no holiday plan in hospitals. Uil requests a meeting with Ast

It will be held in the week that is about to begin the discussion between the top management of the Macerata AST and the union representatives on the staff summer holiday plan. This was announced by Marcello Evangelista, regional secretary of the Uil Public Function and Andrea Santavicca, territorial secretary of the Uil, who claim to have requested the meeting, which was urgent given the approaching summer. “We know that it is not easy to ensure the right to holidays in a company like the Ast of Macerata, which has almost three thousand employees. But it is even more difficult if the administration did not plan carefully and punctually the personnel needs, calibrated to the real needs and which takes into account the many organizational variables”, underline the two trade unionists. “Over the course of the year – they continue – we are constantly committed to highlighting, with a constructive spirit, the critical issues that arise from time to time. When there is a shortage of staff, everyone is in trouble, and the ones who pay the price are the users and the same staff, because they were forced to work under pressure and not in complete safety”.

Long-term illnesses that are not replaced, and turnover of terminated staff that are not promptly replaced have always been the main causes that cause the system of a large company like this to default. “The problem – they continue – becomes more acute and the problems come to a head when, close to the summer holidays, the staff asks for the guarantee of a fair and well-deserved period of rest. Although the management of the Ast has demonstrated its desire to provide concrete answers, the the general situation of the staff is often in trouble”.

Uil calls for greater respect for workers and greater transparency. “To govern a system that provides effective and efficient responses, a good director cannot be enough. An adequate and capable staff is also needed. Certainly, among all, the management of personnel, that of human resources as well as that of the healthcare professions, would deserve Particular attention is strongly expressed in this regard by the fact that there have been vacancies in this company for some time, including administrative managers, which have not yet been filled It appears that there are also mixed applications. It is therefore unclear why this notice, unlike others, has still remained a dead letter.”

Franco Veroli

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