At RiminiWelness the meeting with two legends. Bodybuilders Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heat

On the third day of RiminiWellness, the “Run FIF Challenge” took place inside FIF Village, an area of ​​the Italian Fitness Federation, an event that attracted the attention of numerous fitness enthusiasts and athletes. The challenge – at the last “step of the foot” consisted of covering the distance of 1000 meters in the shortest time possible on the Treadmill Endurance treadmill with Premium LED console by Matrix, testing the resistance and speed of the 16 participating athletes. After the four qualifying phases, the final challenge saw Luca Ricci climb to the top step of the podium, with a record of 3′ and 26″, followed by Daniele Cerchiai, second with 3′ and 38″, and Gerardo Langone, third with his 3′ and 51”.


On the third day of RiminiWellness, the Italian Exhibition Group event on stage at the Rimini fair until tomorrow, Sunday 2 June, there was great enthusiasm for the meeting with two absolute legends of Mr. Olympia: Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heat, recordmen of the competition with 8 and 7 titles achieved respectively. Guests of Panatta and present at the fair since the opening day, the two bodybuilders were the protagonists today of a meeting with enthusiasts and professionals in the sector at the Wellness Arena, for an absolute opportunity for dialogue and comparison with the reference stars of the discipline .

Mattia Faraoni

Furthermore, moments of fun and involvement at the Leone 1947 stand with Mattia Faraoni – Italian kickboxer and boxer – who this morning led the public present at the fair in the Uptivo Boxing Challenge, a challenge of speed in the bag, demonstrations and shows in the ring.


Aesthetics and mental balance, two key factors for lasting well-being. This is what emerged on the third day of RiminiWellness 2024 in the event “Never stop. False Myths”, meeting which featured two trainers and wellness influencers of reference for enthusiasts such as Lisa Alborghetti and Luca Anzano.

The quality of what we do is very important, especially when it concerns our body. It takes commitment and perseverance to maintain a correct lifestyle because the first result you must aspire to is feeling good and preserving your health”, the comment by Lisa Alborghetti. To find your own path it is useful to rely on professionals and empathize with them. Luca Anzano confirms this: “The figure of the personal trainer, as well as that of nutritionists, helps to understand that you cannot have everything immediately. Entering The first step is to train your mind to understand that it is right to work in the long term and helps you enjoy the results even more”.


With the conference “ONE WELLNESS. Living well in communities” moderated by Francesco Caroli, National Coordinator of the Healthy Cities Network, the cycle of meetings of the General States of Fitness and Wellness ends. The concept of wellness is forcefully entering the urban fabric of cities, pushing entire states to invest in the redesign of spaces that can put the human being and his social dimension at the center but the road is still long. Lorenzo Fioramonti, founder of Wellbeing Economy Alliance, underlined how there is an inconsistency between the desire to be together and the economic system of large cities, which are not structured with a view to aggregation. “We must change direction, not think about growth in consumption but in well-being and health”. This was echoed by architect Matteo Gatto, who underlined how this concept is “fundamental because more than 55% of people today live in the city. We need to shift the point of view and put wellbeing at the center of planning to provide citizens with experiences. We must think of a ‘Wellness City’ with urban, economic and public incentives”. The other speakers present: Veronica Baioccato, Exercise is Medicine; Antonio Maturo, Professor of Sociology of Health, University of Bologna.

On the cover: Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heat

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