Public order and floods, another special year for the Local Police of Modena – Society

Public order and floods, another special year for the Local Police of Modena – Society
Public order and floods, another special year for the Local Police of Modena – Society

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The hiring of new local police officers and agents and the commitment to their training in order to best integrate them into the numerous functions carried out by the Corps up to the updating activity aimed at all staff, including training in the use of the defibrillator and, alongside these, the operational activity carried out in the neighbourhoods, on the roads, by the special units up to the voluntary activity carried out for the flooded populations of Romagna.
These are some of the aspects that most characterized the local police of Modena in 2023 that emerged during the celebration of the 164th anniversary of the foundation of the Corps.

The celebrations took place this morning in the square in front of the headquarters, named after the first commander of the local police of Modena, Gino Montipò. After the deployment of the Corps, reviewed by the mayor of Modena and the commander, the prefect Alessandra Camporota spoke.

Civil, military and religious authorities were present, including the public prosecutor Luca Masini, the vicar Don Giuliano Gazzetti representing the Bishop, the rector of Unimore Carlo Adolfo Porro, the police commissioner Donatella Dosi, the provincial commanders of the Carabinieri Antonio Caterino, Gianluca Capecci of the Guardia di Finanza, the deputy commander of the Military Academy of Modena, Colonel Giuseppe Vecchia and representatives of the local police forces of the province, as well as of voluntary associations and groups that collaborate with the local police.

Vigilance and closeness to the city, as well as being an example and encouragement to solidarity for citizens are the key concepts that the Corps’ activity intends to express, underlined by commander Roberto Riva Cambrino, alongside the fruitful collaboration with institutions, forces of the order, local police forces in the province, voluntary associations and Neighborhood Watch groups.

A special page was dedicated, in the past year, to the service among the flooded populations of Romagna: Modena was one of the 40 Municipalities that took action and provided one twentieth of the contingent employed: 29 operators, men and women, who they are alternated in five weekly shifts on three different sites. The activity was also recognized in the usual awarding of written awards to agents who particularly distinguished themselves in the activity carried out.

The anniversary of the birth of the Modena Local Police Force has for years been the occasion for the awarding of praise and recognition to operators who in the past year have carried out actions worthy of being highlighted as exemplary.
This year written awards were given to agent Alessandro Albano for having intervened, off duty, to support a volunteer from the Punto Citta Sicura in Piazza Matteotti, stopping, with the help of a patrol, a young man intent on causing damage. The referral to the judicial authorities of the same man, defined by the local media as “the Pomposa boss”, was necessary to arrive at the expulsion order.

The chosen assistant Nicola Barozzi and the assistant Gregorio Taddei were awarded awards for having stubbornly continued and extended the search for a woman with psychiatric problems who got off alone at the Piazza Dante station from the Taranto-Milan intercity train on which she was traveling with her family ; the woman was found by officers at the bus station.
Inspector Brenda Bonetti, superintendent Claudio Ferrari, selected assistant Barbara Genitoni and agent Gabriele Cristiano were recognized for their particular care in carrying out a commercial check in a hairdressing business, where the operators unmasked two hairdressers who were posing as customers, one of as irregular in the territory.
Inspector Brenda Bonetti, together with the chosen assistant Christian Borsari and the agents Nunziato D’Avino and Samuele Piscopo, also received praise for the professionalism demonstrated in responding to a citizen’s request for urgent intervention, which led to the seizure 260 grams of cocaine and 18 wraps of hashish.

Chief Inspector Carmine Fierro, Major Superintendent Elisa Fancinelli, agents Francesco Costantino and Debora Romano entered, with the help of the Fire Brigade, the house of a lonely elderly man who was not giving any news and was found lying on the floor and exhausted.

Likewise, the chosen assistant Barbara Genitoni and the agent Max Sanuti, stopped by the clerk of a robbed shop, started chasing the thief and managed to immobilize him and recover the stolen goods.
Assistant Christian Medici, agents Marcello Fangarezzi and Luigi Salvatore Scozzafava intervened following a report from a lady worried about her elderly friend who lived alone and hadn’t heard for days. Managing to track down her relatives to recover the keys, the officers entered the house which was in a state of disrepair and found the old woman hiding under her bed.

The chief inspector Andrea Parmeggiani, the assistant chief Antonio Inglese, the chosen assistant Giuseppe Di Napoli and the agent Lorenzo Piccinini, also using the video surveillance and license plate reading system, managed to reconstruct the movements of a car in the territory stolen in Rome with which a robbery was committed against an elderly woman in the parking lot of a shopping center in Modena. In less than twenty-four hours, they identified and stopped the vehicle in city traffic, bringing to justice a man with numerous precedents for robbery, theft, receiving stolen goods, as well as recovering the stolen goods.

All of them received written praise, as did the superintendent Federica Manicardi, who received recognition for her commitment in organizing and following the training offered by the Association of the System Public Assistance Foundation of the Province of Modena and accepting the task of following the maintenance of public defibrillators. The activity made it possible to train local police personnel, update the 118 databases and guarantee constant monitoring of the materials placed to protect the ‘cardiac-protected city’.

Awards were also given to inspector Paolo Buttitta and assistant William Marrocco who were working in the flooded lands of Romagna last May. The two operators faced a march of several kilometers to bring aid to an elderly woman who was isolated due to a landslide, alone and without food in her house without electricity, water or gas. Once they reached the old woman and filled their backpacks with some personal effects, they rescued her even by placing her on their shoulders.

Certificate of recognition also for Saverio Madera, private security guard of Coop service, for the contribution provided in numerous operations concluded with the referral of several criminals to the judicial authorities.

Finally, special thanks were given to Alessandra Trabucco of the PA System Public Assistance Foundation Association for her commitment to training Local Police operators in the use of the defibrillator in emergencies and to Felice Gibellini, former employee of the municipal administration who retired in 2015 , volunteer of the Municipal Civil Protection Group, with a profound knowledge of the municipal territory, the hydrogeographic network and its critical issues, who continues to put his many years of experience at the service of the community. Special thanks also to the Neighborhood Watch groups and the municipal group of Civil Protection volunteers.

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