The highway destroyed by the flood in Graubünden will reopen on July 10, but the work will continue

The highway destroyed by the flood in Graubünden will reopen on July 10, but the work will continue
The highway destroyed by the flood in Graubünden will reopen on July 10, but the work will continue

The A13 motorway in Switzerland will partially reopen on July 10 between Lostallo and Mesocco with only one lane in each direction, following the floods of June 21

The Federal Roads Office (Ustra) has announced that theA13 motorway in eastern Switzerland will partially reopen on July 10thfollowing the damage caused by the flood of June 21st. The reopening will take place between Lostallo and Mesocco, with thetemporary use of only two lanes (one in each direction), while the works for the complete restoration of the four lanes will continue until winter.

The decision to reopen “halfway” was motivated by the fact that the motorway site was damaged for approximately two hundred meters by the change in the course of the river. The first reconstruction effort will focus on the roadway furthest from the river bed, with the southbound roadway as priority. This will allow continuous transit with only one lane in each direction, while the completion of the second carriageway is expected between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

The increase in traffic due to the closure of the A13 has prompted the Swiss authorities to encourage the use of trains instead of cars for travel to flood-affected areas. Additional trains and carriages have been scheduled, with a total of 11,000 more seats available for next weekend.

With regard to San Bernardino, access is still possible via the cantonal road, but only with a reservation in tourist facilities or private homes. The night and Sunday traffic ban for trucks currently remains in place, with the possibility of future easing in certain areas.

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