Over 350 supporters welcomed to the national headquarters of Filo d’Oro

Over 350 supporters welcomed to the national headquarters of Filo d’Oro
Over 350 supporters welcomed to the national headquarters of Filo d’Oro

OSIMO – The 15th edition of Supporter’s Day was celebrated in recent days, an important event that the Lega del Filo d’Oro ETS Foundation dedicates every year to its many supporters, to thank them for the affection and important support they show towards who does not see or hear. Their closeness is in fact fundamental to guarantee hospitality and support to deafblind and psychosensory disabled people and their families in all the Centers and Territorial Offices of the Foundation present on the national territory and to fill the new National Center of Osimo with life and dreams, point starting point of the educational-rehabilitative path for deafblind children and adults.

On Friday 24th and Saturday 25th May, over 350 supporters of the Foundation were welcomed into the National Center of Osimo, the organisation’s main headquarters, where they were able to spend a day alongside deafblind people and their families and meet all the figures involved next to users on a daily basis. Through videos, testimonies, stories, meetings and small sensorial workshops, the supporters had the opportunity to get to know the reality of the Lega del Filo d’Oro more closely, discovering the rehabilitation method adopted, which allows them to find that unique and particular channel to enter into relationships with those who do not see or hear. The initiative has finally returned live, after the stop imposed by the pandemic, which forced the latest editions to take place in remote mode through a virtual visit.

«With this initiative, we want to thank the many supporters who over the years have allowed us to give concrete support to more and more people and families and without whom all our efforts would not be possible – declared Rossano Bartoli, President of the Lega del Filo Foundation d’Oro – This year the Lega del Filo d’Oro celebrates an important anniversary and it is thanks to the solidarity and generosity of many that, in 60 years of activity, we have managed to increase and differentiate our interventions, maintaining the standard high of the services that have always distinguished our work.”

That of private supporters is a fundamental contribution that allows the Lega del Filo d’Oro to be able to continue its activities and plan increasingly effective responses for its users, guaranteeing quality services. It also allows us to look towards future objectives not only through the growth of skills and services provided, but also through an increasingly widespread presence in the territory thanks to the opening of new offices. There were over 460,000 active donors who were alongside deafblind and psychosensory impaired people during 2023. The activities carried out are only partly financed by public funds, while almost 80% of the revenue comes from resources donated by private individuals, individuals, companies or foundations.
In particular, the network of private supporters, in addition to supporting the provision of diagnostic, rehabilitation and educational services, makes activities such as scientific research in the educational-rehabilitative field possible; monitoring user needs for the evolution of interventions; relief activities for families; training and development of the skills of staff and volunteers; the creation of territorial networks for the autonomy and social inclusion of users; the relationship with local bodies and organizations.

The Lega del Filo d’Oro ETS Foundation – Philanthropic Body has been the national point of reference for deafblind and psychosensory disabled people and their families for 60 years; thanks precisely to that “golden thread” that winds throughout Italy through Centres, Offices and Territorial Services, the Foundation can reach them where they live, providing increasingly adequate responses to their needs. In fact, among the main objectives of the Foundation is to strengthen its presence at a territorial level both in terms of quantity, by increasing the number of the current eleven offices, and from a qualitative point of view, by strengthening the services offered. This is why the 5 per thousand contribution is fundamental, a simple and free gesture that translates into precious #help for those who cannot see or hear. Simply enter the tax code 80003150424 in the “Support for third sector bodies” box in the tax return and add your signature.

The proceeds of the 5 per thousand guarantee the growing capillarity of the presence of the Lega del Filo d’Oro on the national territory, which in 2023 materialized with the opening of the new Territorial Headquarters in Abruzzo, in San Benedetto dei Marsi. But the Foundation is already planning the construction of new Territorial Offices in Calabria and Sardinia, to reach areas where it is not yet present, and the opening of a new Center in Lazio, a region in which the Organization is already present with the Territorial Office of Rome, active since 1993. Furthermore, thanks to the 5 per thousand, the Foundation will be able to give continuity to the personalized educational-rehabilitative paths created at the National Center of Osimo on the basis of the initial diagnosis, guaranteeing a network of services that can improve the daily life of people who cannot see or hear and their families; strengthen and expand existing services, guaranteeing the usual high quality standards; establish collaborations in the field of research, with the scientific world and with universities, to improve the daily lives of those who cannot see or hear through solutions in areas such as communication and assistive technologies.

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