Ponds, fragile ecosystems: Legacoop asks the Region for urgent intervention


After the fish kill in S’Ena Arrubia

“There is strong concern about the serious death of fish that has hit the fish compendium of S’Ena Arrubia, managed by the Sant’Andrea fishermen’s cooperative, in recent days”. This is stated in a note signed by the president of Legacoop Oristano, Gabriele Chessa, and the head of the fishing sector of Legacoop Sardegna, Mauro Steri.

“This latest emergency highlights with all its force the need to resolve a series of critical issues”, writes Legacoop “which loom over the fisheries of Sardinia and afflict the cooperatives and fishing consortia involved in their management. Several times in recent years we have highlighted the need for urgent interventions that can guarantee the stability of fragile ecosystems and their future in terms of production, as well as the maintenance of current employment levels, which are currently being strongly questioned”.

Chessa and Steri hope to see a commitment “to ascertain the damage and identify the causes that led to this foreseeable disaster” and ask for “the utmost attention from the regional institutions so that this does not happen again in the future, confirming to all those involved our availability to start an urgent process aimed at putting the numerous problems back at the center and identifying urgent countermeasures together”.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

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