Which running races is a footballer best suited for? Let’s find out for each role

Which running races is a footballer best suited for? Let’s find out for each role
Which running races is a footballer best suited for? Let’s find out for each role

They will not perform as well as cyclists, but also footballers have shown that they know how to run. Whether it is during breaks from activity (such as in this period between spring and summer or during the winter stop of the championships) or to recover from an injury, sooner or later all footballers try their hand at running.

But how wise is it to run for a footballer, and if so, which match can someone who plays football approach with confidence and without the fear of getting hurt? The coach Tilahun Breunessehimself active in football, sheds light on the possibilities of footballers in the world of running.

Football and running – What type of running training do footballers do on the pitch?

A soccer player clocks up several kilometers during an entire match or training session. Professionals cover an average of 10 kilometers in 90 minutes, while amateurs, depending on the level, go down.

This it does not necessarily mean that a footballer can sign up for a 10 kilometer race without risk and without due training. Unless the runner-soccer intends to stand still 163 times during the entire race and complete it in 90 minutes.

In fact, intensity and breaks are obviously the most obvious differences between a football match and a running race. Football doesn’t train the core much but focuses more on changes of pace.

Football and running – What is the distance that footballers can reach?

Concretely, what distance can footballers aspire to without specific running training? Breunesse tried to evaluate their possibilities in the 5, 10 and 21.1 kilometres…

5 kilometers: “A person in good physical shape can easily complete a 5K run. Football training tends to involve various intensive exercises such as sprints, interval training and, especially during summer preparation, even longer runs. This provides a good general physical and endurance base, which is an important element for successfully completing a 5km run.”

10 kilometers: Breunesse believes that for most footballers running this distance is already more complicated. It is possible that those who play football do not have the adequate preparation to complete a distance of this type. To finish a 10k, a soccer player should place more emphasis on typically running workouts.

Half marathon: “Although footballers have a good level of basic fitness, thanks to the combination of cardiovascular fitness and explosive power required in football, the lack of specific training for long distances and the ability to maintain a constant pace represents a problem for a 21K. To run a half, a footballer must run at a constant pace, extending the mileage and including some slow cross-country runs.

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Football and running – Difference by roles

An important factor is the role of the footballer. We highlight 4 different positions here:

  • The doorman It’s a role that doesn’t lead to much running. However, to be a goalkeeper you need to have a minimum amount of resistance to be able to get up quickly after diving for a possible further save.
  • Due to its location, even the defender he doesn’t have exceptional running ability. His running training focuses more on short sprints, or on movements to be made while his team is in possession of the ball.
  • The midfielder he seems to be the player with the best running condition. He often runs larger portions at the same pace during a match to help the defense and attack.
  • The attackers they are usually the fastest players on the team. They would probably win the 100 meters in a race against other players of different roles, but the longer the meters get, the more they lose their strength and liveliness.
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