he will only see Tajani and the Forza Italia candidates

he will only see Tajani and the Forza Italia candidates
he will only see Tajani and the Forza Italia candidates

No scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: today’s stop in Rome by the President of the European Commission is a political, not an institutional one…

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No scheduled meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: today’s visit to Rome by the President of the European Commission and sole Spitzenkandidat of the European People’s Party (EPP), Ursula Von der Leyen, is a political, not an institutional one. Her visit to Italy is part of the electoral campaign for the next European elections, which will be held from 6 to 9 June. The only meeting scheduled on the agenda is the one with the Foreign Minister and deputy prime minister, Antonio Tajani, and the Forza Italia candidates.

Tajani: «Not just Meloni-Schlein, TV challenge with all the leaders. The agreement is found on the house”

This time opponents

In recent years, Ursula von der Leyen has consistently cultivated her ties with the Italian establishment and in particular with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. She visits frequently, smiles, apparent sympathy, as well as expeditions to Africa to find a joint solution to the migrant issue. But at the moment the two are competing in the European elections representing different political parties. Meloni, clearly representative of Fratelli d’Italia (FdI), is currently the only head of government in Europe to have run for office. Not only that, she is also president of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, made up of radical right parties that are Eurosceptic or highly critical of EU institutions. On the other hand, Von der Leyen, who is the candidate of the European People’s Party (EPP), with centre-right and strongly pro-European tendencies. With the brakes on, therefore, at least until the European elections on 6-9 June, the Italian prime minister cannot afford even a photo opportunity with the president of the European Commission.

Opening with Ecr and Melons

In an interview for Ansa, Von der Leyen nevertheless showed signs of openness to dialogue with Ecr and Meloni: «It is more important than ever that a broad coalition of pro-European forces cooperate when the our common interests. I will therefore work with all those who are clearly committed to the rule of law, the European Union and Ukraine.” «Together with these political forces – he underlined – in the member states and in the European Parliament, I would like to fight for a safe, peaceful, economically strong and socially balanced Europe». The president of the EU Commission then added: «The situation for Europe is serious and the challenges that await us are enormous. This applies not only to the ongoing wars in our neighborhood, but also to the fight against climate change and illegal immigration, to geopolitical power plays against Europe or to the dangers posed to our democracies by disinformation spread digitally from ‘from within and from without’.

Bad mood in Forza Italia

But there is no shortage of discontent among the Azzurri in view of today’s match. The words uttered last night, during a rally in Pavia, by Licia Ronzulli are causing discussion: “Ursula von der Leyen is now a lame horse”, said the former group leader of Forza Italia, now vice president of the Senate. And again, to avoid any misunderstanding: «The European elections are crucial to officially declare the chapter of the Ursula majority closed. Her presidency initially had another mission. Instead she revealed herself to be weak, short of breath, torn by ideological extremism.” Not exactly a welcome card.


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