Workshops and games, the school fair in the square brings 500 kids to Gorizia • Il Goriziano

Workshops and games, the school fair in the square brings 500 kids to Gorizia • Il Goriziano
Workshops and games, the school fair in the square brings 500 kids to Gorizia • Il Goriziano

Questioning looks on heated faces, but also many eyes curious to discover what lies behind the acronyms that often identify high schools. There were over 500 middle and high school children in the province of Gorizia to flock to Piazza Vittoria this morning for the Ready2Go Orientation Day! which intends to take up the baton of the fair dedicated to education hosted, until about ten years ago, in the Expomego pavilions.

There are many activities planned to fill the whole day, which in addition to the epicenter of the gazebos set up in the square in the shadow of the Castle, also involved the Ardis Student House in Palazzo de Bassa, the Sala Dora Bassi, the Punto Giovani, the Media Library, the laboratories of the University of Udine and the laboratories Ad Formandum in via Carducci with activities which, both in the morning and in the afternoon, offered food for thought on orientation, presented individual study paths or allowed you to try activities (in some cases by reservation).

The offers
The atmosphere in Piazza Vittoria was very informal since the opening of the 16 gazebos that dotted it and who saw information spaces at the Punto Giovani (to illustrate, among other things, the possibilities offered by the Eurodesk desk) and at Ardis. The regional agency for the right to education was ready to provide information on the annual calls for access to scholarships, canteen service, accommodation and transport contributions in the case of university students, scholarships, contributions for private schools and other facilities for students from primary school onwards.

The interest aroused by the Its Academy gazebo was wide, post-diploma academies that offer two-year training courses highly professionalizing in various sectors: Its Volta is centered on the biomedical sector, data network specialist, wellness and hospitality specialist, then we find the Accademia Nautica, Its Alto Adriatico with outlets in the Information and Communication Technology sector and the Malignani with two Higher Technician courses for naval furnishings and one for green industrial design.

Still within the post-diploma, in both university gazebos report a certain interest in medical area disciplines. For the University of Udine, where some middle school students also come to understand what attending university actually means, curiosity also extends to the field of languages. In the gazebo of the Trieste university, the humanities sector is driven above all by the surge in enrollments in the psychology faculty, widely seen following the pandemic.

To try to help future freshmen, the University of Trieste has for some years activated free Summer Schools aimed at students in the third and fourth year of high school: around a thousand young people, by enrolling online, can have a full immersion in a few days in the faculty to which they are directed in order to understand if it is actually a path of interest to them.

The students
However, the real protagonists of the morning were the middle school children who, for reasons of internal organisation, saw a very lukewarm presence of the city schools. They move in small groups, sometimes directed by teachers, more often guided by simple curiosity towards the activities proposed by individual high schools. And their indecision is more than balanced by the conviction with which their older colleagues talk about their schools, all equally fascinated by the activities and courses of study they undertake there.

One of the most popular stations is that of the “Marconi” in Staranzano with the nautical simulator, where the children learn to pilot the boat which, moored at the Lega Navale in Monfalcone, they will then have the opportunity to sail at sea starting from the third year. Alongside them, colleagues from the Electronics-Electrotechnics-Automation and Computer Science-Telecommunications departments of the same Institute illustrate an industrial process in which a robot from the Scara “family” simulates the bottling and storage of some checkers.

Riccardo “Pica” and Giorgia, former Italian robotics champions who handed over the record to Dmytro and Isabella, explain that last year they dedicated 600 hours in the afternoon robotics workshops “only for our own interest” they underline in unison, while one is already focused on the Polytechnic and the other is still wandering in indecision. Under the same gazebo we find the “Brignoli” of Gradisca, present with a demonstration on bees and, not far away, Fabiana and Stella who welcome anyone who wants to receive information on the economic and international relations direction of the “Einaudi” institute of Staranzano.

Like rivers in flood, they explain that from the first year there are three languages ​​to study to which you can also add the Chinese course and obtain language certificates for all of these. Study in the classroom is accompanied by trips abroad and one of the most interesting activities is undoubtedly that of the business simulations which are carried out in the fourth year. Despite the possibility of accessing university, often thanks also to the PCTO experience kids get jobs as soon as they leave school. And if Stella, who is in her second year, still doesn’t have precise ideas about her future, Fabiana has the goal of moving across the Channel, perhaps after attending a master’s degree.

The routes
The captivating scientific demonstrations that take place in the gazebo of the D’Annunzio institute which includes in its offer the linguistic high school, the technical economic institute for tourism, the scientific high school with the applied sciences option and the technical institute for chemistry , materials and biotechnology. Professor Marzia Michelutti, guidance teacher, explains: «The kids are showing the biomonitoring of water analysis while their classmates, who are preparing to become laboratory technicians in the nursing field, are showing the extraction of DNA».

Alongside, Fabiani’s colleagues, under the guidance of Professor Paolo Troian, illustrate the five directions of the institute, which has just returned to its historic headquarters: painting, fashion, graphics, architecture and sculpture, the only section of this kind in the entire region. Curiosity but also a discreet bewilderment can be perceived in the eyes of two middle school boys who stop at the stand of the “Buonarroti” scientific high school in Monfalcone: here, in addition to the traditional curriculum, you can find the applied sciences school, the sports-oriented scientific high school (the only one in the province) and the linguistic high school.

Given the high number of registrations registered in January, the “Galilei-Fermi-Pacassi” institute limits itself to illustrating its journey through a game of goose and a more modern viewer that allows you to visit the internal spaces of the institute. Veronica, who is in her third year of graphics and communication, says she is fully satisfied with the choice she made: «It is the first year that I have entered the laboratory but we are already working on the layout of flyers, posters and on the creation of videos like the one in which let’s present the school.”

The students of Isis Pertini of Monfalcone show up in uniform, ranging from maintenance and technical assistance to health and social assistance services, from food and wine and hotel hospitality to tourism technicians. On the opposite side of the square we then find the gazebo of the training institutions, each with its own specificity: Ial focused on well-being, robotics and digital manufacturing, Enfap on the carpentry welding sector and public utilities services while Ad Formandum is centered on the catering.

The atmosphere around the stand of the Slovenian language institutes Čankar, Zois and Vega was effervescent, capable of attracting curious people with scientific activities and quizzes to discover the translations of various words. The electronic address of the Ipsia “Da Vinci” in Gorizia sees Dennis, Nicola, Andrea and Tommaso lined up to demonstrate the functioning of a home automation system and an Arduino system capable of programming a mechanical arm capable of moving a small weight.

Helping the kids
Faced with the curiosity aroused by these demonstrations, the students of the Gorizia high school remained more traditional, in particular for the classical curriculum: «Above all, we try to dismantle the fears that Latin and Greek can arouse and we try to dispel the myth of afternoons and nights spent on books: we are talking in particular about the theater project which, for example, every two years allows those who join it to go to Sicily to act in a Greek theatre” explains Laura who, together with Clara, attends the second year. «We are happy with the choice, we feel like we are in the right place: we have the advantage of being few and this allows a strong sense of community to be created also because among our classmates we share similar interests».

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