6.8 million tourists are expected in Friuli and it is already a record summer

6.8 million tourists are expected in Friuli and it is already a record summer
6.8 million tourists are expected in Friuli and it is already a record summer

The forecast for summer 2024.

The comforting results obtained by Friuli Venezia Giulia, superior to any expectations, are the result of the numerous 360-degree interventions implemented by the regional administration, thinking of an offer capable of satisfying the needs of the different types of tourists. Interventions carried out in close synergy with private entrepreneurs in the sector who, despite the pandemic, have led to a net increase in the last five years of approximately 300 thousand arrivals and almost 700 thousand annual presences. Focusing on deseasonalization and the quality of services represents the winning formula.

For the governor Massimiliano Fedriga, the basis of this evidence is the ability to describe this territory to those Central European countries that traditionally choose the locations of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the strengthening of air links, as demonstrated by the exponential growth of Irish visitors, they represent a determining factor for those who have to choose where to go on holiday. The partnership between Trieste Airport and Rayanair has in fact laid the foundations for the activation of seven new flights: Berlin, Paris, Seville, Krakow, Budapest, Olbia, Brindisi.

During his speech, the leader of the regional executive also highlighted the importance of recent international promotional campaigns, in particular the one in the USA, which is driving bookings from Singapore, Argentina, Canada, South Africa, Australia and the United States itself. For the governor it is essential that Friuli Venezia Giulia
has been able to build an offer based on quality and a full calendar of events and concerts for every type of audience capable of attracting throughout the season.

Also present at the meeting was the councilor for Productive Activities and Tourism Sergio Bini who recalled that the data regarding the first three months of 2024 are absolutely positive. Overall there was a growth of 16.3% with over 1.1 million of tourist presences. In detail, foreign visitors increased by 24% and Italian visitors by 10.9%. The detail of the locations shows particularly significant results: +46.4% for the sea, +4.4% for the mountains and +11.1% for the cities.

The member of the Council also commented on the results of a recent survey conducted by the Demoskopika institute, which predicts a very positive summer season. In fact, they are expected from June to September in Friuli Venezia Giulia 6.8 million tourists, 4.4 million of whom were foreigners. In fact +3.2% compared to the same period last year with tourist spending
direct of approximately 1 billion euros, up by 10.2%.

For the Councilor for Productive Activities and Tourism, these flattering data are the result of six years of investments carried out by the regional Administration with conviction to strengthen the tourist offer in all-round: from seaside resorts to mountains, passing through the cities and UNESCO sites of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Not only Demoskopika’s forecasts, but also the consolidated data for the first quarter are growing everywhere, demonstrating that this region is considered beautiful, safe, with affordable prices and capable of offering high-quality services compared to other areas of the country.

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