Premiership, spot conference on the reform in the Chamber on the day the debate begins in the Chamber. Organized by Alfano

Premiership, spot conference on the reform in the Chamber on the day the debate begins in the Chamber. Organized by Alfano
Premiership, spot conference on the reform in the Chamber on the day the debate begins in the Chamber. Organized by Alfano

An advert for the constitutional reform of the prime ministership in the midst of the electoral campaign for the European elections. The title of the event, on the other hand, seems super partes: “The constitution of everyone. Dialogue on the premiership”. The organizers a little less: the Craxi foundation and the De Gasperi foundation, think tanks historically close to the centre-right. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni […]




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An advert for the constitutional reform of premiered in the midst of the electoral campaign for the European elections. The title of the event, on the other hand, seems super partes: “The constitution of everyone. Dialogue on the premiership”. The organizers a little less: the Craxi foundation and the De Gasperi foundation, think tanks historically close to the centre-right. The Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni The conference in the Chamber on the premiership will close on Wednesday afternoon, on the very day in which the discussion of the constitutional reform desired by the government should begin in the Senate.

The Prime Minister’s participation, announced on Friday in the agenda released by Palazzo Chigi, surprised everyone because Meloni rarely participates in events and conferences of this kind during the week. But this time she couldn’t say “no” to the organizers: the conference will be introduced by the presidents of the two foundations, Angelino Alfano (De Gasperi) e Margaret Boniver (Craxi), very close to the former socialist leader and already the inspiration for the “great reform” of the Constitution in the 1980s. Boniver was Minister of Tourism in the Amato government and Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs in Berlusconi II.

Alfano is the former Minister of Justice of the Berlusconi government (before becoming the head of the Interior and Foreign Affairs) who after the unhappy experience with New Center Right he devoted himself to entrepreneurship: today he is also president of San Donato group (leader of private healthcare) and Astm, the safe of the Gavio group’s motorway concessions. But politics has always remained his passion and it is no coincidence that Meloni decided to participate in the initiative: in recent months Alfano has maintained good relations with Palazzo Chigi, in particular with the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano.

Both the Craxi foundation and the one named after De Gasperi – like many others throughout Italy – receive public financing by the government for their cultural activity. Since the Meloni government took office, according to official reports, the State has provided 65 thousand euros to the De Gasperi foundation, of which 63 thousand from the Ministry of Culture and two thousand from that of the University. The Craxi foundation, on the other hand, received approximately 200 thousand euros in 2023 between the three-year call for Cultural Institutes, the 5 per thousand up to the conference on “International Socialism facing the North-South question”.

On Wednesday afternoon, Alfano and Boniver will introduce the conference after the institutional greetings of the Northern League president of the Chamber Lorenzo Fontana and the Minister of Reforms Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. The main panel, however, includes interventions by the constitutionalist Francesco Clementiof the political scientist Giovanni Orsinaof the jurist Anna Maria Poggi and of Luciano Violante, former president of the Chamber and president of the Leonardo and Italia Decide foundation. Meloni will close, ready to make an electoral advert for the reform of the premiership.

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