Book Fair, Liguria presents 500 titles with 37 publishers –

GENOA – 500 titles will be presented, 37 Ligurian publishers present and 36 panels. A very rich program at the Liguria Region stand at the Turin Book Fair scheduled from 9 to 13 May. “Liguria, a sea of ​​books” is the theme chosen by Liguria this year: from the classics of fiction and poetry to music, art, essays and cuisine.

Five days of events coordinated by the De Ferrari ETS Foundation, for a total of 60 presentations within 36 panels, including the three large meetings planned by the Liguria Region dedicated to Songwriting, Poetry and Comedy.

A stand that will remember a Ligurian village, whose walls will be the books presented outside, then the illustrations by Jean Blanchaert which will tell of all our excellences, those who have made the history of the region and those who are still doing so, the so-called 100 faces of Liguria.

The first major event, already sold out, is the one dedicated to Gino Paoli, the second dedicated to the Ligurian poets which will be recited by Elisabetta Pozzi and Federico Sanguineti and the third which will tell the story of Ligurian comedy starting from Paolo Villaggio with theactor Enzo Paci.

“With participation in the Turin Book Fair 2024 – explains the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti – we continue and expand the success of the experiences of Genoa, Italian Book Capital, which saw 150 presentations in a year, more than one every three days, and of the centenary of Italo Calvino, celebrated between Palazzo Ducale in Genoa and the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome . Among other things, in 2024 the Ligurian publishing program also included the first stage of the General States of Publishing.

The synergy with Turin intends to enrich the cultural offer of a Liguria that has made its words a great engine of growth. From the new programming and new direction of Palazzo Ducale, to the National Theater led by Davide Livermore up to the Carlo Felice Theater became a ‘national monument’. Books belong to everyone and for everyone: the participation of publishers best summarizes the effectiveness of the cultural policies introduced for this never-before-taken project. The next step will be to leave the national borders to participate in the Buchmesse in Frankfurt. Nothing is by chance, because German is the guest language of the 2024 Turin Book Fair and this will allow us to intertwine our cultures also from a tourist perspective.

“Only a few months ago we received the invitation to become a guest region at the Book Fair and it was an honor and a joy to fill the five days of the event with the best of Liguria – said the coordinator of cultural policies of the Liguria Region, Jessica Nicolini -. Our life is full of books, films, music, art but above all authors from all worlds, who expand our imaginary life and make us live a thousand lives. We intend to create other worlds and bring them together, hoping that some can become real, just as the collaboration implemented with the publishers has become real, as they have been able to team up and work as best as possible for a particularly varied program that is aimed at every type of audience. An interest that is confirmed for example with the sold-out, several days after the inauguration, of the event with Gino Paoli”.

The actor Enzo Paci will also talk about his experience starring in the biopic on Paolo Villaggio directed by Luca Manfredi which will debut on May 30th. “With me there will be Camilla Semino, a blacksmith who plays his wife Maura, Andrea Filippi who will play De Andrè, Andrea Bonfanti who plays another great friend of Paolo Villaggio and De Andrè, the Polipo, a man of letters who unfortunately lived in a wheelchair wheels for mobility difficulties – Enzo Paci told Primocanale -. We will retrace the first part of Paolo Villaggio’s life until the success of the book. So we won’t see Fantozzi, but during the film we will see an embryo of what will be: “We will certainly instead see the famous characters that he brought to television as Fracchia and Professor Kranz“.

“It is right to pay homage and celebrate a great figure like Paolo Villaggio, who is not just a Ligurian figure but a national and also European one, because his talent has also been recognized in Russia with the great Gogol Prize. Because whatever anyone says, no He was just a comedian and an actor, but he was also a great writer.”

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