Serie A Elite: yesterday in Bologna the meeting between FIR and Club

On the table is the relaunch of the championship, the number of participating teams, the distribution of permit players and the Italian Cup formula

The meeting between the FIR and the Serie A Elite clubs – ph. S. Pessina

A meeting was held on Thursday 28 March in Bologna between the FIR president Marzio Innocenti, the technical director of the federation Daniele Pacini, the director of the Serie A Elite Marco Aloi and the clubs of the same championship, led by the spokesperson Roberto Manghi.

The former coach and manager of Valorugby took it upon himself to bring to the table the main points of comparison between the two parties, already anticipated at the time in an interview with OnRugby.

The teams are mainly asking for greater relevance for the Italian top championship and a different method of distribution of young talents under federal contract. Furthermore, the clubs are pushing for a return to a top flight with an equal number of participating teams and the restoration of the previous Italian Cup formula, perhaps extending it to the teams of the future Serie A1.

According to what the Gazzettino in the Rovigo edition, the question of the number of teams in Serie A Elite would have become more nuanced: the clubs ask in particular to play with an even number of teams, be they 8, 10 or 12, all possibilities raised during the meeting on Thursday.

Read also: FIR: 2024 Budget approved

At the end of the meeting the FIR issued the following press release:

“The Federal President Marzio Innocenti, the Technical and High Level Director Daniele Pacini and the Tournament Director Marco Aloi met the Clubs of the Men’s Elite Serie A today in Bologna.

The meeting took place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, with a debate characterized by maximum constructiveness and the shared desire to guarantee the best sporting and non-sporting development prospects for the top domestic men’s championship.

The Federation and its representatives have listened to the detailed proposals put forward by the nine companies participating in the Men’s Elite Serie A which will be the subject, in the weeks to come, of further analyzes by the parties in order to evaluate possible implementations starting from the 2024/25 Sports Season. ” © all rights reserved

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