He finds a baby hedgehog and takes care of it. When she takes him to the vet the bitter surprise | Today Treviso | News

When love for a ‘hedgehog’ turns into an embarrassing discovery: the extraordinary adventure of a lost pom pom”

Imagine finding a “baby hedgehog” on the sidewalk and deciding to care for it wholeheartedly, only to discover that it is actually a pom pom! This is exactly what happened to a woman in Knutsford, UK, in a story that mixes comedy and tenderness.

The lady, convinced she had saved a wounded hedgehog, spent the night cuddling what he believed to be a needy pet. However, upon waking up, a visit to the veterinary clinic revealed the truth: the “hedgehog” was actually a harmless hat pom pom!

As reported by the BBCthe lady had taken him to the veterinary hospital in a box meticulously lined with newspapers with some dog food inside.

Hospital director Janet Kotze he recounted the episode sympathetically, describing the woman’s amused reaction when she discovered the mistake. Despite the initial embarrassment, the woman’s kindness and attentiveness were praised. We believe the lady’s next visit was to the ophthalmologist.

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