Timekettle M3: earphones that translate 40 languages ​​in real time – Review

Timekettle M3: earphones that translate 40 languages ​​in real time – Review
Timekettle M3: earphones that translate 40 languages ​​in real time – Review

Spending our travels in the company of an unusual and very well made product was a pleasure. To date the Timekettle M3the new translator instant wireless, is what many would define as a real revolution as far as linguistic translation is concerned. In fact, this device becomes indispensable for all those who love to travel the world without setting any limits.

The translator in question is made up of two earphones and is not limited to just translating speeches but also offers the opportunity to make phone calls as well as listen to the music, all with truly incredible audio quality. Users who obviously purchase it for translation will find its main functionality very interesting, which includes the opportunity to translate well 40 different languages ​​and 93 accents.

These include Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, and many others. These characteristics therefore make the Timekettle M3 in our opinion a 100% versatile tool but above all suitable for all types of situations.

Translation is natural and instantaneous: Timekettle translator is great

Among the most interesting aspects that struck us while using this Timekettle M3 translator is certainly its technology. This allows you to interpret the words exclaimed by anyone in front of you in a manner natural. If we make a comparison with traditional automatic translators that many people have already had experience with, we are on another planet.

In that case, when speaking, you have to insert pauses into the speech, thus making it too fragmented and above all unnatural. With the Timekettle M3 you can speak freely without ever stopping And without adding pauses useless between the various sentences. In fact, these earphones are able to collect every logical sentence within the speech and automatically segment it.

This therefore guarantees an extremely natural and fluid conversation, thus allowing you to interact in a spontaneous and authentic way. All of this obviously has value whether you are making a new friend in a foreign territory or discussing work. There is no shortage of it active noise cancellation high precision. It can suppress noises up to 30 dB without any problems.

The methods of use

If you are wondering why there are two earphones, the matter is really very simple. The first earphone must be kept in your ear while the second must be given to the foreign person with whom you speak. It will be precisely in this way that a perfect dialogue can be established, as if we spoke the same language. According to what the company reports, the precision reaches 95%.

The great peculiarity of this Timekettle automatic translator is that it adapts to all situations thanks to three modes:

  1. Touch mode: This is really perfect for all the face-to-face, detailed conversations. Using this mode, we noticed that you simply need to touch the earpiece to allow it to be activated and therefore translated instantly. It allows all dialogues to become simply understandable and without any interruptions. All you have to do is tap once and start talking, with the other person benefiting from instant translation in the headset within 0.5 to 3 seconds.
  2. Listening mode: this is probably the perfect way to follow a conference in a foreign language or any lesson. The earphones are able to perfectly capture the speech of those who find themselves speaking to the audience, thus allowing you not to lose any type of detail;
  3. Spoken Mode: This mode allows you to use your smartphone or wear both earphones to have short conversations. It was very easy for us to ask for directions but also to order food. This mode is what you need for fast and efficient daily interactions. In case the other person wants to talk to you, they could respond by speaking with the speaker on your smartphone. Don’t forget to switch to touch mode when you find someone you’d like to get to know better, even if they speak another language.

The translator that also works offline

The real strength of this instant translator, as well as its design, lies precisely in the ability to function without having to be connected to the Internet. The Timekettle M3 it therefore works offline. For us it was a real relief to be able to use it even without a web connection, as we ended up in areas without coverage several times.

I am 13 the offline language packs that the translator supports. For example, English can be translated into Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Russian or vice versa. Obviously the advice we see is to download all the offline voice packages in advance so as to have them ready beforehand that the possibility of remaining without a field becomes apparent. Precisely this feature makes the product perfect for travel in remote areas and at the same time offers the user the possibility of not wasting useless data.

Great autonomy and great comfort with the Timekettle M3

Clearly when dealing with an electronic device there is one aspect that must never be missing and that is autonomy. Fortunately, as we have seen, Timekettle’s instant translator is perfectly equipped in this sense. Thanks to the battery life which reaches approx 7.5 hours with just one charge, you can rest assured. In the event that the two earphones run out of battery, the charging case, exactly as happens with the earphones reserved solely and exclusively for music, grants further autonomy. More precisely it is about well 25 extra hours.

Precisely this aspect makes it perfect for all long journeys but also for those endless days that seem to devour autonomy. Moving on to the other fundamental aspect, here is the comfort guaranteed by the product. The ergonomic design of these small earphones allows the user to fit them very comfortably in the ears. We really liked them, even though we used them for the whole day. There wasn’t even a moment where they bothered us or were harsh. Thanks to their ergonomics, they never fall out of your ears.


During our travels around Europe, we were able to extensively test this product that many were not even aware of. The instant ear translator became our travel companion, essential for being able to understand everything we were told and in any language.

It doesn’t matter if you are a frequent traveller, a language student or a professional traveling for work: the Timekettle M3 is an exceptional product that guarantees a one-of-a-kind combination of functionality, comfort and advanced technology, all combined perfectly.

This is the definitive device that allows us to eliminate any linguistic barrier, giving even those who do not speak a single word of that language the opportunity to communicate.

Price and availability

Some might think that such an advanced device could cost hundreds and hundreds of euros. In reality this is not the case as Timekettle’s simultaneous translator costs money €169.99 on Amazon.

In fact, there is also a currently available 10% coupon discount which therefore brings the final cost to just €152.99. By using Amazon to purchase it, you can benefit first of all from very fast and free shipping. In fact, the e-commerce giant manages to ship the M3 in a maximum of 48 hours and also taking advantage of the two-year warranty.

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