ChatGpt down all over the world, app and website blackout for now

ChatGpt down all over the world, app and website blackout for now
ChatGpt down all over the world, app and website blackout for now

On the morning of June 4th, a malfunction prevented users from receiving responses from ChatGpt. The last downtime of the generative artificial intelligence platform dates back to November 2023

For many, judging by the comments that populated X on the morning of June 4th, it was a particularly complex day. “Lhe ChatGpt outage has become similar to losing electricity. How do I work?», asks a user? Open AI’s artificial intelligence chatbot is suffered a malfunction that lasted hours. The down started around 8am and slowly resolved after lunch. The reports came mostly from the United States and Great Britain but even here in Italy, trying to ask ChatGpt something, the answer came back: «Your most recent request was unsuccessful. Try again». There also seems to have been a malfunction on the site: the screen for chatting with the AI ​​didn’t even load. A malfunction that therefore appears to have been global.

The last time ChatGpt suffered a malfunction was back in November 2023. Then the reason communicated was an attack DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service, or a type of cyber attack that results in the multiplication of requests to a site’s servers until they are no longer able to function or are extremely slowed down. We still don’t know what happened this time: Open AI has not yet made any statements. However, the problem is reported on the ChatGpt status control page, which appears to have been identified and then resolved.

June 4, 2024 (modified June 4, 2024 | 3:44 pm)


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