He sprinkles salt on the sand and this happens: unthinkable

He sprinkles salt on the sand and this happens: unthinkable
He sprinkles salt on the sand and this happens: unthinkable

In a surprising and fascinating video a gentleman throws salt on the sand leaving the viewer waiting to understand what will happen next.

Salt on the sand -viaggi.nanopress.it

It has been circulating online for some time now video of a gentleman, probably an expert in fishing techniques, who positions himself on the shore of a beach to locate small holes onto which he throws some fish with surprising precision. cooking salt common.

At first glance it might seem like something bizarre, but it soon turns out to be extremely effective for his intent. The video captures the entire process, leaving viewers waiting to figure out what will happen next.

Only at the end of the video does the gentleman explain the phenomenon. There clip has found enormous success, not only for the practical demonstration but also for the scientific explanation that follows. Providing valuable teaching on how interact with the marine environment in a sustainable way.

The gentleman protagonist of the video, with his respectful and simple method, reminds us that very often the most effective solutions are precisely those that they respect the balance of nature.

Kitchen salt on the beach, that’s what happens

Inside a surprising and fascinating video, a gentleman who is most likely an expert in fishing techniques, shows his spectators an alternative (but above all ingenious) method for catching fish razor clams, which are very particular molluscs known as razor molluscs.

Cannolicchio -viaggi.nanopress.it

These clams they live in the sand of beaches and sea coasts and their capture is a real challenge for all fishermen and sea enthusiasts. The video that was shared on YouTube, presents an effective yet unusual method that leaves viewers amazed from start to finish.

The alleged fisherman shows the entire procedure in the video: he positions himself on the shore and identifies the small holes that indicate the presence of the razor clams underground. Once the hole was located, the gentleman was surprisingly precise throw salt on the sand.

First nothing happens but just the salt begins to come into contact with the sand, small movements begin to be noticed. At that point i razor clams they emerge from the sand irritated by the salt that penetrates their spaces.

A fascinating sight to say the least to see how these specimens stretch out from their own natural habitat, driven by the need to escape the salty environment around them.

This technique is a real example of how the knowledge of nature can lead to sustainable and innovative methods, inspiring fishermen to explore alternative approaches.

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