Google Chrome, absurd risk for users: what’s happening and how to save your devices

The Google Chrome Situation Poses a Very High Risk for Users: What’s Happening and How to Avoid Problems.

Many users use it Google Chrome to carry out their activities at PC or to your smartphone for the many tools that the browser offers. This time, however, one emerged a risky situation for everyone, to say the least users who use Chrome.

Google Chrome users are faced with a very risky situation – (

A few days ago, browser users received the update to version 124which included interesting news including optimizations capable of improving Chrome’s performance and greater usability of the application.

Following the enormous risk that emerged, users are asked to update again with the urgent update released by the American company. This is a critical security update and it should go to fix one serious vulnerability.

Google Chrome, serious vulnerability emerged: users in danger

Last May 7, an anonymous cybersecurity expert reported to the Mountain View company the presence of a serious vulnerability in Google Chrome for macOS, Windows And Linux. The bug has been assigned code CVE-2024-4671 and a high level of danger.

Serious vulnerability detected in Chrome for Windows, macOS and Linux: very high risk assigned – (

The bug if well exploited allows the remote attacker to execute a arbitrary code The browser app is open on your device. Furthermore, the flaw would result also usable on all other browsers based on the Chronium projectincluding Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera and all the others.

Remote code execution means the hacker can download the malware or other dangerous software through Chrome. This way it can attack your computer immediately steal sensitive data or, in the worst case, to insert it into one zombie computer botnet used by cybercriminals.

The American company admitted that the bug has been exploited at least once, but did not reveal any details about it. There is currently a patch to install thanks to the update to the latest version of Chrome.

The safe versions of Chrome are those that are tied to the latest updates released at the end of last week. Computers that do not have this bug have the following versions of Chrome and Edge:

  • Edge 124.0.2478.97 Windows;
  • Chrome 124.0.6367.201/.202 Windows and macOS;
  • Chrome 124.0.6367.201 Linux.

In most cases browsers update automatically, but to check the version just go to the Settings and select About Chrome.

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