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«F1? Let’s work to get back to winning. We need talents”

The CEO of Exor and president of Ferrari John Elkann gave a long interview to Il Corriere della Sera, talking about the Cavallino. Elkann touched on many topics, from the production of an electric car to the search for important results in Formula 1, also passing through the past.

The first thought is dedicated to Michael Schumacher: «Next year will mark 25 years since the first World Championship he won with Ferrari. I already understood how extraordinary he was not only as a driver but as a man. Michael’s teachings are still present in Maranello where he spent a lot of time, even with his children. I was thinking about it the other day at Family Day, where over thirty thousand people participated, never so many. Ferrari is truly a big family. And Michael is still part of it, for me he is not just a champion, but much more: he loved Ferrari and remains much loved by all of us».

Six years ago the election as president, Elkann retraces all the steps from that date: «That summer of 2018 was very complicated and painful due to the loss of Sergio (Marchionne, ndr) to whom I was very attached. We had to present the industrial plan: there was a need to give a perspective to Ferrari, a company that in the past had been very linked to its founder and then to Fiat. With the 2016 listing it was decided to give Ferrari the possibility of being independent. And that summer we talked about what we would do in the future, starting with people».

«We have created jobs, +30% in 6 yearsand launched a series of initiatives aimed at well-being and satisfaction: a complete range of welfare services, a widespread shareholding program, a succession of record performance bonuses, continuous training and the global Equal-Salary certification for gender pay parity. And then the issue of the environment…”, he added.

On the future, Elkann thinks like this: «When I started talking to Blessed Vineyard, in the days in which we were choosing the new CEO, we found ourselves in agreement on the values ​​and ambition of building the future of Ferrari by focusing heavily on technology and always remaining faithful to the three souls of Ferrari: racing, sports cars and the world of lifestyle. In each of these areas we have introduced great innovations in these six years».

Starting from cars, «we created very successful models that Ferrari had never produced in its history. Like them Iconspecial series that are inspired by our past and that strike for their beauty and originality, like true works of art. Or the Thoroughbred, the first four-door, four-seater Ferrari. Or even the SF90 which brings the essence of a racing supercar to the road».

While in competitions, always playing to win is «a responsibility, shared with those who work here. An opportunity to always improve. I was thinking about it while I was writing a letter to the drivers who won at Le Mans, behind them there are many people who worked with Antonello Coletta to give us the courage to return to competitions that we left 50 years ago, I want to thank them all».

On the hypothesis of a Electric FerrariElkann does not believe that this is a risk: «Another great opportunity, it is neither an obligation nor a risk. Inventing is creating emotions. If they wanted to criticize us they could say: “Why haven’t you produced an electric one yet?”. We took the time to do it best electric possible. Between now and 2030 we will have much cheaper electric cars, and when that time comes we won’t even have to worry about the choice.».

In closing, a joke about Formula 1 and that title that has been missing since 2008: «We always work towards that goal: this year we have seen progress and also difficulties. We need to continue to grow: we need to find the balance between the valorization of the many capable people here, an aspect that I strongly emphasize, and the possibility of attracting new talent. It was nice to hear an engineer who has just arrived from Red Bull talk about our potential. It is confirmation that there is a great desire to come to Ferrari».

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