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LIVE TJ – Pepe: “Juve must start again from Yildiz. I hope Thiago Motta takes the Bianconeri where they deserve. On Church…”

LIVE TJ – Pepe: “Juve must start again from Yildiz. I hope Thiago Motta takes the Bianconeri where they deserve. On Church…”
LIVE TJ – Pepe: “Juve must start again from Yildiz. I hope Thiago Motta takes the Bianconeri where they deserve. On Church…”

Simone Pepe spoke on the sidelines of the padel Football moments press conference. Charity event and the proceeds will go to the Piedmontese Foundation for Cancer Research.

The importance of this day?
“Fundamental. It’s always nice to do good and if you can do it while having fun it’s even better.”

Can we become attached to this national team?
“Absolutely yes, now I’m going back to experiencing the national team like in 1990, when I was a kid. For me it’s a fantastic memory even if it didn’t go the way we wanted. I’m starting to live it again like when I was a child.”

An opinion on the national team?
“A national team that has good players. Then in the last two performances they suffered. Spain put us under, however, against Croatia it was a particular match and we felt too much pressure. We must see the glass half full, because we have passed. Now we can play against Switzerland.”

How do you see Thiago Motta’s choice?
“I played 3 games with Thiago Motta. I don’t know him well, but everyone speaks highly of him to me. The choice was important and I hope he can take Juve where he deserves.”

Was it time for a change at Juve?
“From the outside you experience a world, then from the inside everything changes. The evaluations that are made from outside are based only on the match, but there is a week in between that only the club experiences. Too difficult to make an assessment”

Who should Juventus start from again?
“I think Yildiz is a strong player. In my opinion, Juve can be rebuilt on Fagioli, because he has different characteristics from the others. He is a player with great qualities and is intelligent tactically.”

Can the Chiesa contract affect performance?
“I do not believe. The national team is something that goes beyond. Chiesa is playing in a position that he doesn’t like, because in my opinion he prefers to play on the left. This is no small factor, because he is adapting. For the national team, however, you also play in goal. He is a great player. We expect it to bring us great results.”

Your favorite national team player?
“Frattesi. For me he is an intelligent player with skill and knows how to score goals. When he enters the field you feel it.”

A thought on Conte?
“I see it well, because I know how he will prepare his players. Both from a physical and tactical point of view. I think we’ll see new things.”

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