Rugby – Brisighella and Gasperini excited for the U20 World Cup: “Tough group, but we can do well”

Simone Brisighella

Treviso There is less and less left until the start of the World Cup, scheduled for Saturday 29th to 19th July, in South Africa. 12 national teams participate, divided into 3 groups of 4 teams each. The first classified, plus the best second, will advance to the final stages. The remaining 8 positions will be played in the second phase. A semi-final and a ‘final’ are therefore planned for all teams to outline the final draw. For Rugby Viadana there will be two protagonists in blue: the opener Simone Brisighella (who will join Zebre) and the hooker Nicholas Gasperini, who will join Mogliano next season. «We will meet this afternoon in Treviso – says the young hooker Gasperini – On Sunday we will leave from Venice to reach Cape Town. It will be a long journey, but luckily after our arrival, which is scheduled for Monday, we will have a free day to recover as best we can.” The Azzurrini were placed in group B with Ireland, Australia and Georgia: «It’s the toughest matchup that could have happened to us. The one we fear a little more is Georgia because they have a very strong forward package. Objective? We didn’t ask ourselves. We will look race by race.” For Brisighella however, it will be the litmus test as he returns from the long injury to the anterior cruciate, suffered on the pitch with Viadana. «I experienced it well – comments the Zebre fly-half –. I never stopped working and this helped me a lot during my recovery. Thanks to the support of my family, girlfriend and friends I came out stronger than before. Credit also goes to the Zebre medical staff who supported me from start to finish. It’s equally true that I had some down periods, but I recovered immediately. In the national team I expect very tough competitions, but I’m sure we can do it. We have to stand together and fight as a team. Against Ireland it will be a tactical match, which is why we will try to put them under physically.” And on the call from coach Roberto Santamaria… «I didn’t expect it. Now I want to repay the trust that all the national team staff have placed in me. I know that the expectations are high, therefore I will give my best trying to help the team.” In addition to Brisighella and Gasperini (until 30 with the gialloneri, then from 1 July to Mogliano Veneto), a bit of Viadana is represented by the coach Santamaria, who played for the Riviera team as a hooker: «A tough elimination round awaits us straight away . Is our goal to keep our place in the A group. Brisighella and Gasperini? They have excellent qualities that they were able to showcase.”

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