Giallorossi double, Calafiori announces it firsthand | The fans are over the moon

Riccardo Calafiori/ source

Crazy news for Lupa, which made the Giallorossi fans rejoice, made happy by the player’s words since the national team retired.

He is undoubtedly one of the footballers of the moment Riccardo Calafiori. After a wonderful season played with the Bologna shirt, and which ended with a historic qualification for the Champions League for the Bologna club, the defender, readapted as a central defender with great success by Thiago Motta, is also showing off with the Italian national team to Euro 2024.

As a result, various rumors are starting to spread about him. From Juventus, where he would embrace the very coach who made him great, to even Real Madrid, who would seem to have identified him as the ideal addition to give freshness to their rearguard.

In the meantime, however, since the withdrawal of the selection coached by Luciano Spalletti, it was the class of 2002 who made a sensational announcement to say the least, which highlighted an incredible Giallorossi double. The Roman fans immediately jumped to their feet after hearing his words, and all the fans are now in seventh heaven.

The words that make the square ecstatic

In recent days, the official Instagram profile of the Italian national team published a video in which Riccardo Calafiori was asked to field his ideal five-a-side football team that had played for the national team. When making choices, the former Roma defender decided to insert two former Roma players, namely Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi. Giallorossi double therefore in the defender’s ‘scheme’,

The team was then completed with Buffon between the posts, Maldini in defense and Pirlo in the middle of the field, for a dream quintet. However, it was the Giallorossi fans who rejoiced in these choices, as they appreciated Calafiori’s appreciation for the two idols of the square, with whom he shared the locker room. They even took the player’s choices as a welcome for a return to the capital.

Riccardo Calafiori/ source

Calafiori’s return is almost impossible

Despite the exaltation of the fans and the boy’s words, a return to the capital today is almost impossible for the Bologna player.

The money requested by the Bolognese for his price tag is out of reach for the Giallorossiand also there is strong competition for him from top European clubs.

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