Where are F1 Ferraris built? The place is magical

Where are F1 Ferraris built? The place is magical
Where are F1 Ferraris built? The place is magical

Many F1 teams have placed their operational headquarters in England. Ferrari, on the other hand, decided to do things their own way.

There Ferrari is slowly returning to the top of F1, with the victory obtained in Monaco by Charles Leclerc which goes hand in hand with the one won two months ago in Australia by Carlos Sainz. After a year and a half, the management of the new team principal Frederic Vasseur is starting to bear fruitwith the SF-24 which is growing rapidly, as also demonstrated by the rankings of the two world championships.

Ferrari with Charles Leclerc in action (ANSA) – Motomondiale.it

Leclerc pays “only” 56 points behind Max Verstappenwhile the Cavallino is -49 from Red Bulla point of reference that seemed impossible to reach, and which instead, little by little, is becoming within reach. It goes without saying that claiming victory is still prematuresince the RB20 remains the big favorite, and also the McLaren it is very performing.

Certainly, Ferrari deserves praise for the way it is emerging from a technical situation which, a year ago, was embarrassing to say the least. The Maranello company must return to the top, since over the course of its history it has built masterpieces that have been missed by fans for too long. The atmosphere is returning to that of the past.

Ferrari, everything starts in Maranello

There Ferrari it is an Italian story, closely linked to the land of motors. Well, F1 single-seaters are also produced in Maranello, in the province of Modenaa small town of just 17,492, which despite being so small in terms of population, is known throughout the world due to the presence of the Cavallino headquarters.

Ferrari Maranello everything happens here (ANSA) – Motomondiale.it

Both road and racing cars are produced in this country, where there is also the wind tunnel, with a test track a few kilometers away, namely the Fiorano track, strongly supported by Drake. The fact that the Cavallino has always remained in Maranello is certainly a source of pride.

In fact, in addition to Ferrari, only the Racing Bulls is based in Italy, while all the other teams have very strong links with England. We are certain that Maranello will remain the center of the red universe forever, with the fans who, thanks to the results obtained this season, are starting to dream big again. The climb is obviously far from over, but the growth is notable.

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