Inter transfer market, the official announcement for the attacker is approaching: the negotiation

Inter transfer market, the official announcement for the attacker is approaching: the negotiation
Inter transfer market, the official announcement for the attacker is approaching: the negotiation

The striker ended the season leaving his mark. Now is the time to evaluate his future. Here are the latest.

Not even a shadow of summer holidays. In Milan we always work at home Inter it’s time for the transfer market, as well as time to deal with the spoils of the Nerazzurri coffers.

The championships have been over for almost a month now and the players owned by Inter on loan elsewhere have long since returned to Milan. Now the time has come to evaluate the future of these young talents to arrive at an adequate solution both for the club and for the members.

With Marotta currently in Germany for an event organized by the FIGC, full control of the transfer market a Piero Ausilio And Dario Baccinwho are managing the profiles of baby footballers.

Between these, Pio Esposito. He is the youngest of the three brothers, he is 18 years old and spent last season on loan at Spezia Calcio. The class of 2005 stood out on the pitch with the Ligurians, playing all the matches, some as a starter, and contributing to the team’s salvation for staying in B series.

Pio Esposito he preferred to compete with the professional world at the beginning of last season, leaving Inter’s Primavera with which he had won one Scudetto it’s a Super Cup. He was the protagonist in National U19 team champion of Europe andU20 World Cup finalist.

Ausilio and Baccin are the first to believe in the potential of baby talent and, in the last few hours, they are managing the control of his future. L’Inter could make money with Esposito’s profile, but the situation is not that simple.

Inter: the situation of Pio Esposito

To reveal it is La Gazzetta dello Sport: “Among the players Inter are aiming to raise money with there is not Pio Esposito”.

The Spice he didn’t redeem Pio Esposito and Inter will have to pay 500 thousand euros as a counter ransom. However, several clubs like the player a lot and his future could be decisive in the deal Martinez-Inter with Genoa.

Inter: where Pio Esposito will go (Ansa Photo) –

Inter have chosen the Genoa goalkeeper, Josep Martinezas Sommer’s deputy this season, with the intention of promoting him to the starter for the next one.

To bring Martinez to Milan, the Genoa he asks 18 million, while Inter would be willing to pay 13, including counterparts. In this regard, Inter is waiting for the Grifone to indicate a counterpart of his liking and Pio Esposito it could be the solution.

Ausilio also evaluates other proposals, first of all the Cagliari who showed great interest in the young striker.

This post was last modified on 17 June 2024 – 12:39

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