Pozzecco: «Italy of basketball at the Games? We are a family. Gallinari wants to be there”

Pozzecco: «Italy of basketball at the Games? We are a family. Gallinari wants to be there”
Pozzecco: «Italy of basketball at the Games? We are a family. Gallinari wants to be there”

OfDaniele Dallera and Flavio Vanetti

The coach of the national basketball team Gianmarco Pozzecco takes stock before the decisive tournament for qualification: «I told Gallinari to think about having fun». Then the response to Messina on the “weight” of the national team

To conquer the Paris Games will have to let the national basketball team go through the eye of a needle: the pre-Olympic tournament of early July in Puerto Rico, where it is expected another decisive crossing with Lithuania, historic black beast. But Gianmarco Pozzecco is in a good mood. The start of the rally, between Folgaria and Trento, has already transformed into adrenaline and a desire to do, with jokes about Danilo Gallinariwith a response to a reflection by Ettore Messina and with puns on Gianni Petrucci, recovering from a terrible road accident. How is the president? «No one has the values ​​he has…». Laughter: the lawyer Guido Valori will be an opponent in the next FIP ​​elections. But beyond everything and the bullshit, Poz is enjoying the atmosphere of an Italy once again on a mission. A sensational environmentto use the adjective dear to him.

How do we summarize the beginning of the new adventure?
«Remembering two new features: I called many young people, even those with no experience in Serie A, because they are not only futuristic but also effective in the present. So I broadened the base of the “family”, it is an advantage for the movement. The second choice is to have added expert and young coaches to the staff for this phase: the national team is not mine, but belongs to several people.”

After two years as coach, how do you see Pozzecco’s identity?
“In the bond with the shirt, even if it is the more experienced players who transmit this mentality. The second aspect that I claim is being well together: professionalism, at every level, and joviality must coexist and are necessary.”

How much will the expanded base fuel the team that will go to Puerto Rico?
«It is not a cosmetic choice, it is the beginning of a process whose fruits will be seen later. But there could be some surprises.”

What concept do you work on so that the idea of ​​”family” can be seen on the field?
«On mutual tolerance: in team sports it is fundamental».

Ettore Messina declared that it is the clubs that do good for the national team. And this without taking anything away from you and the FIP, having in turn been coach
«I have to protect my organization, respecting the opinions of others. I have been a player, even an Italian one, I have coached in clubs, now I am coach: I never thought I had to clarify how much impact a club can have compared to the national team, and vice versa, on the development of a basketball player. Quantifying it is useless. It also leaves me perplexed that we don’t think as if we belonged to the same team that aims to make a leap in the quality of the movement. I have always been convinced that having been a player gives no advantages if you become a coach. Except one: you have a team spirit that others, despite gravitating towards basketball, don’t possess.”

He explained the moral identity of his national team. But what will that technique be?
«The usual one, based on sharing what happens on the pitch. So: defensive collaboration and, in attack, willingness to pass the ball.”

What is a good reason to believe we will go to Paris?
«Because the kids are connected with what they do: the desire for the Games will transform into great dedication on the field».

Short preparation and short tournament: an advantage or a problem?
«Melli told me: “We know each other well and we know what we have to do”. The fact that I have little time available doesn’t scare me.”

What advice did you give to Danilo Gallinari?
«I told him to only give importance to the playful aspect: “I want you to have fun”. After 16 years in the NBA it is perhaps difficult for him to discover this value.”

Gallinari wants to be there

How did you find it?
«Eager to be there. So far he has not yet been able to participate in the contact phases, he will start now. But he stood on the sidelines to advise and motivate his teammates.”

Is he stealing her place?
«Wow, I didn’t get it: thanks for the tip… (laughter). Luckily from now on he can train without limits, so I’ll fix this too. But if you have someone willing to help your teammates, you have an inestimable value.”

Marco Spissu, his “praetorian”, seems down on himself.
«Marco is my “son”, he will play great. I have no doubts: if he finds “dad” in his blue, he will be sensible.”

Why did Milan win the scudetto again?
«For the quality of the players, because the Forum is now an added value and because no one in the world represents what Giorgio Armani is. Messina was good at ensuring that there was the right mix of company and sporting concepts.”

How will we compensate for the absence of Simone Fontecchio?
«Not feeling sorry for ourselves, but believing in whoever will replace him. Simone is intelligent enough to understand that an absence can stimulate others: after Gallinari’s injury in 2022, we had a great Polonara at the European Championship.”

The refrain can be heard again: Italy has a few kilos and centimetres, it doesn’t have “big men”.
«So I reply by quoting my colleague from men’s volleyball, Fefé De Giorgi: it is more important to focus on the strengths than the flaws. It is a teaching that I have also experienced first-hand: make room for positivity, not negativity.”

June 17, 2024


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