negotiation started, costs 20 million

Transfer market, Inter’s negotiations continue for next season. Piero Ausilio’s new goal costs 20 million euros.

L’Inter continues to move on the market trying to strengthen the Nerazzurri squad. The priority is to keep all the big names in Milan, with the only exception which could be represented by Denzel Dumfries. The Dutchman’s renewal is, in fact, still at a standstill with his farewell which could be the only solution to not lose the player on a free transfer next season. For this reason the Nerazzurri are monitoring various profiles for the right flank and in the notebook there is also Amar Dedic.

Inter prepares the attack on the right: Dedic is also in their sights

According to what was reported by Gazzetta dello Sportat the moment the names that the management is paying attention to in the event of Dumfries’ farewell are mainly two: the Swede Emil Holm, who will not be redeemed by Atalanta and will return to Spezia, and the Bosnian winger of Salzburg. The request of the Austrian club is approximately 20 million euroswhich is difficult to lower given the contract that expires only in 2027.

Amar Dedic, in Inter’s sights for the right lane (LaPresse) –

Last season was undoubtedly the season of consecration for the class of 2002, where he collected 31 appearances (playing every minute in the Champions League) and also finding 5 goals and 5 assists. Definitely a good haul for a player who now seems ready to make the big leap into a big league. Who knows, that team might be Inter, who will however have to pay attention to the competition Naples ready to take action in view of the sale of Giovanni Di Lorenzo to Juventus.

This post was last modified on 15 June 2024 – 12:48

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