Sommer: “Inter, that’s what surprised me. Here everyone always expects…”

In a long interview given to Blick, the goalkeeper talks about his first year with the Inter shirt

His first year at Inter, the welcome from fans and teammates, the European Championship with Switzerland. There are many topics addressed by Yann Sommer in a long interview with Blick. The first question is more of a curiosity about the goalkeeper’s ability to answer in Italian: “No not yet. It wouldn’t be a good interview (laughs). I prefer German, even though I already understand a lot of Italian. I’m taking lessons and I can already talk a little. This is necessary because everyone here speaks Italian. But in any case you automatically learn everything that has to do with the field“, explains Sommer.

For example?

““Out!!”. Or when an opposing player surprises you during a corner kick: “Watch out, the man behind!” In an emergency it can also be English or French.”

Do you really have to introduce yourself when you join a team? Do you enter the locker room and say to Lautaro Martinez or Francesco Acerbi: “Hi, I’m Yann Sommer”?

“Out of decency, we do this. But most people in Europe know each other. And the media talks so much about a market move in advance that it’s not surprising when it actually gets there.”

Was there a welcome ritual you had to do at Inter?

“I had to stand on a chair and sing. This is almost standard now. There are also teams where you have to dance in front of the other players. Which I think is almost worse (laughs). I always sing the same thing: “No Diggity”. This he was well received at Mönchengladbach and Bayern. Whether it’s embarrassing or not, this audition is a great thing. Everyone is laughing and in a good mood, you get into the team so quickly.”

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