Artistic Gymnastics, two people from Biella in the third Italian team: Vella and Iorfino, PHOTO –

Artistic Gymnastics, two people from Biella in the third Italian team: Vella and Iorfino, PHOTO –
Artistic Gymnastics, two people from Biella in the third Italian team: Vella and Iorfino, PHOTO –

The very young Biellese Agnese Vella and Artemisia Iorfino are in the Asd Libertas Ginnastica Vercelli team which climbed to the third step of the podium in the national final of the Italian team championships in Florence. With them Giulia Perotti, Thelma Lapalombella, Margherita Casalino, Alessia Daniello, Martina Borsoi, Michela Fasolato, Greta Rabini and Margherita Veggiotti.

President Luca Casalino is enthusiastic: “Our girls won bronze in the Serie A 1 final, finishing only behind Ginnastica Civitavecchia and Brixia, teams where they are all older and with more qualifications. On average our girls have a maximum of 15 one is 14 years old, the others are younger. In the other teams there are gymnasts who are going to the Olympics in a month. We are all really enthusiastic, also because they have made really great progress in recent years and they have also been recognized I deserve to have brought a bit of “pepper” to the competition, with their joy, their determination”.

Even Agnese’s father, Alessandro, can’t hold back his emotion: “They are truly wonderful, they have accomplished a real feat! It’s the first time that a team has gone from Serie C to the Serie A podium in the space of four seasons with consecutive victories”


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