HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle, the review

After a long wait of four years, “Haikyu!! The The Dumpster Battle” has arrived at the cinema, fans of the anime “Haikyu!!” they can finally witness the continuation of the story with the film. This film represents the beginning of the end for the beloved series, bringing so much to the big screen awaited clash between historical rivals, Karasuno High and Nekoma High. However, while the film offers moments of great emotion for long-time fans, it can be disappointing for those who are not already deeply immersed in the series and we tell you about this in our review.

As fervent fans of the Haikyu anime and manga series, we approached the long-awaited Haikyu film with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. However, our worries were quickly dispelled as the film unfolded, delivering an exhilarating experience that exceeded all expectations.

The animation quality of the Haikyu film is simply spectacular. The dynamic and fluid animation sequences are captivating the intensity of volleyball matches with a truly impressive level of detail. The movements of the characters, the facial expressions elto pure energy on the pitch come to life in a way that enriches the overall viewing experience. The animation team deserves praise for their meticulous attention to detail, creating a breathtaking visual masterpiece. Below is the official trailer published on YouTube:

The healthy ritual of sport

One of the greatest strengths of the “Haikyuu!!” movie The The Dumpster Battle” lies in its ability to condense the essence of Haikyu’s story in a cohesive and engaging narrative. The pacing is expertly constructed, allowing both die-hard fans and newcomers to immerse themselves in the world of the Karasuno High School volleyball team. The authors skillfully balance character development, intense gameplay sequences and moments of humor, creating a well-structured and captivating story.

The Haikyu film pays homage to the beloved characters that fans have come to adore. The film not only brings back the familiar faces of Hinata, Kageyama and the rest of the team, but also introduces new and compelling characters. Each character’s personality is masterfully portrayed, with their individual growth and struggles taking center stage. The film delves into the players’ personal journeysmaking them even closer and more affectionate.

The soundtrack complements the energy of the film perfectly. Uplifting, pounding music heightens the emotional impact of pivotal moments, creating a sensory experience that resonates with the audience. The well-chosen soundtrack adds to the overall atmosphere of the film, drawing viewers into the intensity of the matches and the camaraderie of the team.

In summary, the Haikyu film is a triumphant celebration of the beloved series. It successfully captures the essence of the anime and manga while delivering a visually stunning and emotionally resonant experience. Whether they are long-time fans or newcomers to the world of Haikyu, this film is a must-see for anyone looking for an exciting and heartwarming sports anime adventure.

One of the film’s main problems, however, is its speed. With a running time of just 85 minutes, the film attempts to condense 33 chapters of the original manga, a significant challenge considering that the anime usually covers around 5 chapters per 22-minute episode. This accelerated pace means that many scenes and developments of the plot are treated in a superficial way, leaving little room for breathing and for emotional in-depth analysis. Unlike other film adaptations such as “The First Slam Dunk”, which dedicate time and attention to detail, Haikyu it feels rushed and lacks contextmaking it difficult for newcomers to follow.

The plot of the film revolves around the battle between Karasuno High and Nekoma High in the National Tournament, a match full of meaning and tension for the protagonists, in particular for Shoyo Hinata and Kenma Kozume. This clash is not just a matter of winning or losing, but represents a personal struggle for the heart and soul of Kenma, who is on a journey of rediscovery and appreciation for the game of volleyball. Fans of the series will surely appreciate the dynamics between the characters, but those who are not updated on the events of the previous seasons may feel lost, as the film does not offer many summaries or explanations​

Technical aspects and animation

“Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle” is the second highest-grossing film of the year in Japan, but unless you’re a teenager, an anime enthusiast, or really into volleyball, it’s unlikely you’ll get much more out of it and we’ll reveal why in our review. Plot-wise, it feels a bit like entering halfway into an event that’s already begun – which is effectively what you’ll be doing, unless you’ve been following Haruichi Furudate’s hugely successful and long-running manga, from which this film is based on, and the 85 episodes of the television anime that have already been based on it. Even the title will be indecipherable to newbies: “haikyuu” is Japanese for volleyball; The Dumpster Battle refers to our two rival school teams and their urban wildlife mascots, a crow and a cat.

With very little preamble we are immediately thrust into a high-stakes game between these teams – a third-round playoff in the national spring tournament – ​​and there we remain for the duration. There are occasional flashbacks that illuminate the relationships between some of the players, especially our central rivals: the hyperactive Shôyô Hinata, who is super fanatical about sports and overcomes his short stature with his powerful jumping skills; and the cold, anguished Kenma Kozume, who seems to be existentially indifferent to everything, including volleyball, despite being a master tactician at it.

HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle, the review: praise to the rituality of volleyball

The animation is enhanced with graphics, extreme close-ups and super slow shots of kids hanging in the air for eternity before smashing the ball through the net with all their might. If you are ready for this, the level of commitment this story for the details of volleyball – the game after game tactics, the strategies, the rituals – is admirable. And part of the franchise’s appeal is clearly how adolescent anxieties, emotions and relationships can be sublimated through sports.

One of the central elements of the film is the deepening of the character of Kenma. While the television series always balanced the focus between the various members of the team, the film focuses more on Kenma, exploring her personal history and relationship with volleyball through numerous flashbacks. While this focus allows for a greater understanding of his character, it also sacrifices time dedicated to the other members of Karasuno’s team, who receive less space to shine than fans expected.

A point in favor of this film is certainly the quality of the animation. The increased budget available for the film allowed the visual quality to be significantly improved, with detailed facial expressions and fluid movements that enhance the game scenes. The use of 3D technology was successfully integrated to add dynamism and depth to the volleyball scenes, without ever distracting from the traditional style of the anime. One particularly memorable sequence is where the perspective switches to that of Kenma during a match, showing the complexity of the game from the player’s point of view in a compelling and adrenaline-filled way.

Ultimately, HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle is a film that offers exciting moments and high visual quality, destined to satisfy fans who have followed the series since the beginning. However, the accelerated pace and lack of context make it difficult for new viewers to access and limit the narrative depth that characterized the television series. Despite its shortcomings, the film still manages to capture the essence of “Haikyu!!” and to give fans an engaging and adrenaline-filled experience, albeit with some reservations.

Review by Laura Della Corte

If you are a long time fan of the series, HAIKYU!! The Dumpster Battle is the film for you and is definitely an unmissable event. However, for those who are not familiar with “Haikyuu!!” or doesn’t remember the events of previous seasons well, it might be best to catch up on the anime before tackling this cinematic climax.

  • The strong point is certainly a more powerful animation than that of the anime even if not entirely mature.
  • The choice to focus on Kenma to really make him known is interesting.
  • The soundtrack is really very satisfying.
  • Many characters in the series remain in the background.
  • For those who don’t follow the anime, this film won’t be easy to follow.
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