the phrase about Lindstrom does not go unnoticed

Mister Francesco Calzona throws a hard shot at Lindstrom. The words of the Italian coach leave no doubt.

The Naples ended their season with a sad and lackluster home draw against Lecce by Luca Gotti. Mister Francesco Calzona’s Azzurri ended the home match with a score of 0-0, a result which officially defined the Neapolitan team’s tenth position in the standings. After today, the Neapolitan company of Aurelio De Laurentiis the possibility of continuing to maintain a constant presence in continental competitions was also precluded.

The bitter home draw obtained on the last day of Serie A condemned Aurelio De Laurentiis’ club to a year of purgatory, resulting from the fact that it will not participate in any European competition. This happens later 14 consecutive years of the Naples in the coveted tournaments of UEFA. There is a mix of anger, frustration and bitterness within the Neapolitan environment. The air is heavy, the confirmation came from the outgoing coach of the Azzurri himself, Francesco Calzona. The coach appeared very disheartened, letting out multiple outbursts during the post-match period. The Napoli coach, in fact, took advantage of the opportunity to launch some attacks. One of these was addressed to Jesper Lindstrom.

Hard attack by Calzona towards Lindstrøm

Mister Francesco Calzona he removed a few pebbles in his shoe after the Napoli-Lecce match, throwing several digs. One of these hit Jesper Lindstrom. The coach did not mince his words regarding the Danish attacking midfielder: “There are no strong or less strong players, but suitable and unsuitable players. Lindstrom, for example, is not a player suitable for a team like Napoli that plays in 30 meters of pitch.”.

The statements released by Francesco Calzona they leave no room for interpretation. The Napoli coach wanted to launch a real broadside at the address of Jesper Lindstrom. However, among the Azzurri who have disappointed the most this season is the Danish footballer. The class of 2000 arrived last summer at the Ombra del Vesuvio, costing the club Aurelio De Laurentiis about 30 million euros from Eintracht Frankfurt. A figure that was not repaid at all on the field.

Calzona on Lindstrom – (LaPresse)

Jesper Lindstrom he disappointed the initial expectations of the club and fans, proving not to live up to the ambitions of the blue environment. The bad turn that the Italian season took certainly weighed on his correct insertion, but it is no coincidence that in 29 appearances (587 minutes on the pitch), the player born in 2000 never managed to find the way to goal . Not only with Calzona, Lindstrom he struggled to find the right space even under the previous technical guidance of Garcia and Mazzarri. Proof that the words of the current Neapolitan coach are anything but unfounded. In short, this is a season to forget for the Dane. A vintage that will absolutely have to be archived anyway Naples.

Article modified 26 May 2024 – 11.13pm

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