Alonso-Ocon, from clashes to esteem: “Hard battle, but with respect” – News

Alonso-Ocon, from clashes to esteem: “Hard battle, but with respect” – News
Alonso-Ocon, from clashes to esteem: “Hard battle, but with respect” – News

Challenge on the fringes of the top-10

At the end of the race in Miami, while everyone was understandably focused on achieving the first career victory for Lando Norris, Esteban Ocon And Fernando Alonso they gave life to a swonderful duel for ninth and tenth position. In the end the challenge between former teammates was won by the Spaniard, but the transalpine was still able to rejoice at the finish line for the first point won in a season that has so far been rather disastrous for Alpine.

Tense stories from comrades

Right under the banner of the Enstone team the two had done it sparks in the two-year period 2021-2022. Their collaboration had been fundamental in some cases – above all Ocon’s victory in the 2021 Hungarian GP, ​​facilitated by Alonso’s epic defense which slowed down Lewis Hamilton’s comeback with Mercedes for many laps – but nervousness often prevailed, both on and off the track. Alonso had made no secret of having experienced the separation from Ocon and Alpine as a liberation and relations between the two had seemed rather cold.

Renewed respect

The battle on the track in Miami instead showed a very different reality. The two took a selfie together after the racewhich was then published by Ocon on its social channels. “I enjoyed a good battle with Alonso along the way”, the Frenchman’s message. The former Ferrari driver commented on the duel with similar enthusiasm, giving credit to my colleague and former partner in front of the Spanish media: “It was a tough but ‘safe’ fight, done in the name of respect. Esteban puts you in difficulty but you enjoy dueling with him because he is a rider who usually has respect”the comment made by Alonso ad AS.

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