«I am sick and fragile and may start to lose my hair»

Eight months have passed since that bolt from the blue that was the diagnosis adenocarcinoma al pancreas and three from the surgery she underwent to remove it, not to mention the numerous cycles of chemotherapy she had to undergo (the last one was very recent), but Eleonora Giorgi he has not lost the will to fight and continues to face life with a smile. «I have a new hair look. Do you see them as less thick? After 6 months of chemo that didn’t fall, now I’ve changed chemo and it seems they might fall – begins the 70-year-old actress, guest of “Estate in diretta”, speaking with Nunzia De Girolamo – Then I said to myself, “if they have to fall, they must fall blond”. I had horrible, ugly regrowth. Three days ago I went and said “Make me blonde”. But they have to fall and I’m preparing some headbands with fringe with my hands.”

Although animated by a great strength of will, the Giorgi admits to going through a moment of understandable difficulty. «I entered a period of fragilityeven though I try not to burden others. I am taken by moments of weakness, not of bewilderment, not of discouragement, but of fragility. Now that I am very ill, I need goodness, if a person must leave the scene, he must do so with goodness.” From the beginning the actress has been able to count on the support of her family, her family children and the beloved nephew (“if I didn’t have them, I would have said ‘patience'”), but the fans also wanted to make her feel their closeness.

«I was hit by a tsunami of love – she confesses Giorgi – I’ve been living for months surrounded by a love that was there before, but wasn’t expressed in this way. Since I spoke about the disease, thousands have written to me. There are people who spontaneously give me gifts, they are close to me. The fact of talking about it is goodit’s okay to show the difficulties, but also to hold on”. The same affection that he also found in the hospital. “Even in public health I met incredibly kind people humanityincredibly patientsas well as PREPARATIONS – explains the actress – . They are in the hands of science. We are confident, because every day there are conquests».

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