Catania, the argument over a joke about his daughter ends in tragedy: 41-year-old killed by his neighbor with scissors

Catania, the argument over a joke about his daughter ends in tragedy: 41-year-old killed by his neighbor with scissors
Catania, the argument over a joke about his daughter ends in tragedy: 41-year-old killed by his neighbor with scissors

A 41-year-old man was killed in Mascali, a small town in the Catania area, during a violent argument with a neighbor. The dramatic episode ended when the attacker hit the victim in the throat with scissors, causing heavy bleeding. Despite the rapid intervention of the emergency services, the man – a construction worker named Antonio Raciti – died shortly after being transported to the hospital in Giarre (Catania). The attacker, a 48-year-old unemployed man, was promptly arrested by the Carabinieri. When the police arrived at the crime scene, they found him in his home, with his shirt stained with blood and in possession of a pouch that contained the murder weapon, scissors. According to an initial reconstruction by investigators, the quarrel that resulted in murder arose from comments that the victim made to the 48-year-old about his daughter, accusing him of not being a good father due to his association with the 22-year-old, a student away from home. Already yesterday the two men would have had an argument for the same reason. According to the prosecution, the arrested man, in a fit of anger, after having grabbed some medium-sized scissors, repeatedly hit the 41-year-old in the chest and neck, who almost immediately lost consciousness. The man, it later emerged, had already been reported in the past for illegal possession of weapons and receiving stolen goods. He is now in prison in solitary confinement, and is under investigation for murder. The body, following instructions from the prosecutor’s office, was instead taken to the morgue
Catania Polyclinic, where the autopsy will be performed tomorrow.

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