who would have ever said it

who would have ever said it
who would have ever said it

Forget Conad or Coop, the best supermarket is this: who would have ever said it. Let’s discover this special ranking that shows us truly unimaginable results.

Supermarket – Movietele.it

In Italy there are many supermarkets fighting for leadership on the national territory: from north to south there is truly an embarrassment of choice when we have to go shopping and we often have to say that we think not only about the quality of the basic necessities that we have to buy but also savings. Precisely the respect for this binomial represents the strong point that customers like so much.

Who are looking not only for the best deals in the flyer but also for brands that guarantee reliability and safetyespecially when we talk about fresh products in a very particular period of the year. In short, it is not easy to draw up a ranking of the best if more parameters are not taken into consideration. Also because the expense could also represent a particular moment, with some emotional aspects that could take over the rational ones.

The best supermarkets in Italy: the Altroconsumo ranking

In this regard, Altroconsumo has thought about drawing up a particular ranking by drawing up a particular ranking of the best supermarkets in Italy. A ranking that emerged after interviews with almost 10 thousand consumers throughout the country. Well, after this test, the absolute leader, among the realities present in at least 5 regions, was long S which took first place with 79 points. Following Hypercoop with 78 and NatureYes third with 77 (Here we talked about a product that is also sold in supermarkets).

Eurospin – Movietele.it

Not bad Coop who left the podium but did not place among the top three. Bad luck for Carrefour e Family Market who barely managed to pass. The survey also took into consideration local situations, with scores that were achieved by Dem e Tosanobut also from Lando Mega and Pewex. Male Gulliver and Pan. One of the most anticipated categories of all, and which has been growing enormously in recent years, has been that of discount.

The discount ranking

In the discount rankings, it took first place Eurospinfollowed by Aldi e Prix. You hate at the bottom of the list. In any case, the survey revealed that Italians currently spend just over 400 euros per month for spending, with an increase of well 27 euros compared to the same period in 2022as demonstrated by the increase in prices and the cost of living.

Another element that must be taken into account in this ranking is that of territoriality: not all realities are present in all regions and for this reason it will never be possible to speak of a perfect estimate because the game takes place on multiple levels and it cannot appear, even according to the detailed parameters of Altroconsumo, ever fully homogeneous in its results.

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