Mattarella’s warning: “Ensuring market stability is fundamental”

Guarantee the market stability is fundamental for consumer confidence: this is the message of Sergio Mattarella on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the National Commission for Companies and the Stock Exchange (Consob). In a message sent to President Paolo Savona, the Head of State stated that the financial markets constitute a segment of particular importance for the performance of the global economy: “Ensuring their correct functioning and stability, by containing risks and through highly technical regulation and supervision of the markets and related infrastructures, constitutes a fundamental activity to increase savers’ confidence, protect investors, remove the barriers to access for businesses, in particular small and medium-sized ones and, therefore, to increase growth and support the competitiveness of the country system”.

In this direction, Mattarella continued, Consob in its fifty years of activity has played a fundamental role in the affirmation of transparency and efficiency in the financial market. “adapting its work to the continuous changes and multiple challenges that have often arisen on the national and international scene”. Through its valuable activity of constant protection of efficiency in the financial markets, the Commission led by former minister Savona has significantly“contributed to recovery of the Italian economyfollowing the setback linked to the health crisis, continuing to give effectiveness to the freedoms established by the Treaties of the European Union also thanks to the collaboration with the national and supranational sector authorities.

In his speech, Mattarella said he was confident that Consob will be able to address the issues new challenges linked to technology and artificial intelligence both in terms of rules and organisation, as well as the evolution of European markets, which are increasingly integrated with each other and which require consequent supervisory structures.

“On the occasion of the Annual Meeting with the Financial Market, I would like to join in the celebration of this significant anniversary, expressing gratitude to the National Commission for Society and the Stock Exchange for its commitment to protecting the proper functioning of the financial market over the course of its fifty years. ‘years of activity’, concluded the President of the Republic.

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