Ilaria Salis: “Home emergency unresolved by the institutions, I claim my battles”. And she responds to the 90 thousand euro credit with Aler

Ilaria Salis: “Home emergency unresolved by the institutions, I claim my battles”. And she responds to the 90 thousand euro credit with Aler
Ilaria Salis: “Home emergency unresolved by the institutions, I claim my battles”. And she responds to the 90 thousand euro credit with Aler

Rights for those who have no home, fight for the housing emergency. Ilaria Salis responds for the first time to the accusations and criticisms of illegal occupations in buildings in theAler, the company that manages public housing in Milan. “Yes, I confess! I was a militant of housing movement who over the years has fought on the issue of the right to live, in Milan and throughout Italy” writes Salis in a post on Instagram”. And she claims “with great pride to have been part of this movement and to continue to support it”. For the MEP “giving a concrete response to the need for housing means not only finding a solution here and now, although precarious And provisionalto one question left unresolved from institutional politics, but also to indicate a political perspective of transformation of the material conditions of life in the name of social justice“. In Milan, “many, too many people do not see guaranteed their right to live and they have no dignified alternatives other than to occupy, in one of the city with the most expensive rents“, and Aler, that is “the body that should protect this right, seems to be more interested in criminalizing the housing movement they tenants rather than finding concrete solutions.” In the next few years, Salis announces, he will share data and reflections on the housing issue in Milan and Italy. Responding to Salis is the president of Confedilizia Giorgio Spaziani Testa: “Ilaria Salis’s first expression as an ‘honourable’ – she says – is dedicated to proud claim Of a series of crimes concerning the house. Congratulations to the voters.” Salis is also critical Raffaella Paitanational coordinator of Italia Viva: “Today Ilaria Salis claims the pride of having been part of the committees fighting for housingparticipating in real estate occupations. Who knows what needy families think about it, perhaps with children And elderly people dependents, who throughout Italy have been waiting for a long time for accommodation respecting the rankings”. “Observing the law, respecting the rules is not an optional – continues Paita – but is the pillar on which social coexistence is based. We wonder how a certain left can put arrogance before legality. We are always on the side of the weakest, Salis instead chooses to side with the bullies who occupy illegally.”

In the long post, Salis also deals with the topic of credit claimed by Aler in his regards. “I also want to clarify my situation – he explains – As has been widely heralded in the right-wing media, Aler claims a credit of 90 thousand towards me like ‘allowance‘ for the presumed occupation of a house in via Giosuè Borsi in Milan, based solely on the fact that I was there in 2008 found inside. Although – he continues – in the following sixteen years (!) they were never carried out further checks to verify my permanence, nor has it ever been started any civil or criminal proceedings at my expense with respect to that house, Aler accounts for this credit and has no scruples in making it public through the press the day before the elections”. For Ilaria Salis, “a large number of individuals and families, often without the necessary means to react adequately, are tormented by unfounded requests of this type. In fact, the total credits accounted for by Aler amounts to over 176 million euros! The practice of demanding exorbitant ‘occupancy allowances’ from tenants, based on uncertain assumptions to say the least, is a strategy used systematically for scare the occupants and try to raise cash.”

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Therefore, the Verdi-Left MEP underlines, “if someone thought they were making who knows what scoop by digging into my past it is only because it is sidereal distant from the social reality of this movement, which is made up of tens of thousands of inhabitants from the public housing And activistswho, for having stated the simple principle of have a roof over your head, they have come across some complaints.” Salis hopes that “information, rather than throwing mud at me” will dedicate itself “to context of severe poverty And housing precariousness in which large segments of the population are found.”

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