Coffee in the evening, because it increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Cardiologist Colivicchi: «Dangerous habit»

«Drink the coffee in the evening it can delay sleep And sleep less than 7 hours per day increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks.” The warning is from Dr. Furio Colivicchi, president of Anmco (National Association of hospital cardiologists). «If we drink it once to go home in the evening, then it’s fine. But if it’s a habit it’s not good because it alters the sleep-wake balance and, therefore, is potentially harmful.” But there are differences. Let’s see which ones.

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How does coffee affect sleep?

Coffee contains a particularly rich mixture of bioactive substances. Among these, the best known are alkaloids, in particular caffeine. trigonelline, theobromine and theophylline. These substances have a series of particularly relevant effects on the central nervous system. They are neuromodulators of analeptics, that is, they stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system and have a modulating effect on the autonomic nervous system, that is, the one that governs the functions of the organism. Such as cardiac activity, respiratory activity, gastrointestinal tract activity. Overall these alkaloids can have a very significant effect on sleep or rather on the waking state because tend to produce an effect in terms of increased attention, greater liveliness of functioning of the central nervous system.

Are there differences between how it is prepared and types?

Coffee also contains many other bioactive substances: such as polyphenols, flavonoids (such as quercetin for example) and therefore a whole series of other (potentially beneficial) antioxidant substances. The fundamental problem is that individual sensitivity towards coffee is extremely variable. Therefore different people can have a very different reaction to the various substances, precisely because we are in the presence of mixtures of bioactive substances. And then, what also changes is the type of coffee: how it is prepared, how it is roasted and what the specific origin of the coffee is. The American one has a higher caffeine content than espresso.

When should you drink your last coffee?

There is very clear data that highlights how drinking coffee in the evening hours, before going to bed, despite being a habit that occurs in many countries around the world, actually does not have a favorable effect on night rest. So much so that there are general indications, made above all by the North American sleep society, which say that the last coffee intake It should happen six hours before going to bed.

What are the health risks?

Drinking coffee late can lead to a delay in falling asleep or even, in more sensitive individuals, the inability to fall asleep. So, in general, in pursuing a healthy lifestyle you should avoid drinking coffee in the evening hours. Because this can lead to sleep disruption. And as we know, sleep is very important for the restoration of many biological functions and for health in general. Sleeping less than 7 hours a day is extremely dangerous for the cardiovascular system and can favor the onset of cardiovascular diseases.


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