Milo Infante: «Rewarded by ratings but Rai ignores us»

Milo Infante, host of Ore14, is interviewed by Candida Morvillo for Corriere della Sera. And despite the excellent ratings on his program he explains that in reality he isn’t applauded that much in Viale Mazzini. «If I had had to bet a cent on it when I started – he says – four years ago, I wouldn’t have done it. Also because we come from the news programmes, we don’t have thirty percent of driving force. Yet, the share rises from 5 to 8, to 9 percent, and we are also seen more than the program that follows us: it means that people tune in precisely to see us.” And he adds: «We are the most unnoticed program in the history of TV: never seen a press release on record ratings, never been mentioned in a press conference. Then, the director Paolo Corsini, when I hear him, tells me: “I’m not calling you because you don’t give me problems”. But if a piece of Rai ignores us, the consideration of Tgr allows us to get to the news among the first. This is one of the reasons for our success, another is the alchemy between the public and our guests, who do not answer questions at will, but bring information, experiences, elements of truth. I also like that we are not afraid to take a stand and are always against injustice.” «This TV – he specifies – brings votes to the right only if the left is in power. If the prime minister is Giorgia Meloni and the TV highlights a problem of public order, I don’t think the government is happy.”

The parents, the mortgage and that childhood in Villa San Giovanni

Milo Infante also remembers his childhood: «Stop Villa San Giovanni. Viale Monza 325 was a large barracks overlooking a small garden, we were all children of many mothers: Max’s mother, from the balcony, also watched over Giacomo, Claudio, Milo. And when the goalkeeper said the famous phrase “I’ll hit the ball”, we were afraid. Today, that goalkeeper would be afraid of being clubbed. There was a control and protection network that has now disappeared.” «I remember one night when I came home late. I was a journalist atIndependent, I park and I see an elementary school friend who signals me to shut up. I don’t understand, but in a moment the police cars arrive for an anti-drug operation. It was a world like this: there were those who grew straight and those who grew crooked. Then, juvenile delinquency worsened while we relegated robberies and violence to the term “baby gang” and looked for excuses: society, the family…”, says the journalist. Infante also remembers his father Massimo, a journalist. «My father was first and foremost a good person. He wrote about terrorism, he did major investigations and, as far as I know, he never wrote falsely. As director ofSouth Tyrolhad arrived at Night, in Milan, starting from scratch, because in Trentino he had been defrauded by a friend who had caused him to lose his savings”. «I gave my parents trouble. When we rented 60 square meters – he says – a high school friend had to come and I said: I’m ashamed of this house. I carry my mother’s gaze inside me. My parents took out a very expensive mortgage for 75 meters next door and passed away before I could repay them for their sacrifices. I haven’t been a good guy, but I think I’m an honest person. If he asks me what I would like others to think of me, I would like it to be what I think of my father: he was a good man.”

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