Meloni, premiership: ‘If the referendum doesn’t pass, who cares, I won’t leave’

“I’m reaching the end of 5 years” underlined the Prime Minister interviewed on Rai3. Among the topics covered was the recent proposal by the Secretary General of NATO to have Russia attack Ukraine with Western weapons. “I don’t know why Stoltenberg says something like that. You have to be very careful.” On the Toti case? “Until I have all the elements I can’t give an answer,” she said

The premiership is a key issue that is shaking the minds of Italian parties. “The idea of ​​the referendum doesn’t scare me and I will never consider it a referendum on me but on the future of the country.” This is how Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni opened the topic when interviewed during the Rai3 program “In mezzo ora”. Invited to comment on her recent statement on the outcome of the reform, “it’s make or break”, Meloni replied: “They ask me if the referendum doesn’t pass it’s a problem… who cares. I’m ready to resign if it’s rejected the referendum? No. I will reach the end of the 5 years and I will ask the Italians to be judged. If the reform does not pass, the Italians will not have shared it. All the rest are the hopes of the left.” The premiership, continued Prime Minister, is a reform that gives citizens the power to “choose who governs them and this is a great element of stability and I don’t understand the opposition of the left unless it thinks it will never win again the elections…”. And he added: “If instead you think ‘oh no because democracy is fine but if the left wins'” it’s not my idea: “something is constitutional if it’s from the left; democracy is fine as long as the left wins it’s not my idea of ​​democracy but unfortunately it is the one that the left now has.”

Stoltenberg on Ukraine? “I advise greater caution”

Jens Stoltenberg believes that Ukraine should be authorized to use the weapons supplied by the Alliance on Russian territory but the Italian government is not in favor of it. After the controversies raised by the leader of the League Matteo Salvini, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also responded to the statements of the Secretary General of NATO. “I don’t know why Stoltenberg says something like that”, commented the prime minister as a guest on Rai3. “We need to be very cautious. I agree that NATO must maintain its steadfastness, it must not show signs of giving in. There are many questionable statements. I remember Macron. I advise greater prudence. It is important that NATO continues to maintain support for Ukraine to achieve peace”. And he added, speaking of the conflict in Ukraine: “I think that, given that war always brings with it unknowns, this alarming story according to which Europe is on the brink of a wider conflict seems quite counterproductive. The game is irresponsible. of those who fuel this to scrape together a few votes.”

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Salvini: “Stoltenberg either apologizes or rectifies or resigns”

Middle East? “We need a two-people, two-state solution”

During the interview on the Rai program Giorgia Meloni addressed many topics. On the Middle East issue, you said, “we must always remember who is responsible for this crisis: it is Hamas” and “I am frightened by the lack of empathy that there has been regarding Israeli civilian victims, which speaks of a latent anti-Semitism that is coming out” . The prime minister called for a ceasefire and the immediate release of the hostages. “We continue to work for a sustainable ceasefire, for the release of the hostages, to prevent the Israeli entry into Rafah. We must strengthen the Palestinian National Authority, which is fundamental to building a prospect of peace. All of Italy must be very proud of what has been done in recent months. I also think – he explained – that we must not wait to build a stable and structural solution. One of the ways to end the crisis is to immediately start talking about the ‘two peoples and two states’ solution”. And she added: “What I see is that Israel risks slipping into exactly the trap that the fundamentalists had designed: forcing Israel into a very strong retaliation on the territory” to isolate it. “This is happening and for this reason I believe we must reiterate” that Israel “must respect international law”.

Toti? “Until I have all the elements I can’t give an answer”

A passage also on the Liguria case which is involving the governor of the Region Giovanni Toti. Only he, commented the Prime Minister, “is in a position to give a complete answer because only he knows the truth and he is a person who cares about his citizens, he is in a position to evaluate what is best for them. Until I I have all the elements, I cannot give a serious answer to this question.”

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Toti: Signorini before prosecutors for questioning on Monday

Meloni: “Sustainable Stability Pact”

The Prime Minister then spoke about the stability pact, supporting the executive’s efforts to meet the commitments made. “The stability pact has a temporary phase of return, it is sustainable on paper”, she explained. “The disaster is in the 220 billion hole for having mainly renovated second homes” with the Superbonus. The Prime Minister then underlined that due to the Superbonus measure, “today we find ourselves in difficulty on many other fronts”. And she promised: “The government will do everything to keep its commitments.”

EU elections? “I am not willing to have a majority with the left”

The hot topic of recent months is the upcoming European elections on 8 and 9 June. Giorgia Meloni underlined that in the EU she is in no way willing to have a majority with the left. “I’m not used to giving certificates of presentability. My goal is to build an alternative majority. The goal is a center-right majority and send the left into opposition in the EU. I think that rainbow majorities only produce downward compromises and not we can afford a weak Europe.” It is the citizens who decide who should be part of the majority, you explained. “I’m not willing to form a majority with the left, everything else is clear.”


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European elections, the interview with Gori (Pd) and Cattaneo (FI). VIDEO

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