«No to new constructions and funds for private buildings»

Sent to Rome

There is a first, and summary, estimate for the safety of public buildings and infrastructure networks: around 500 million. But others will be needed, and the government is oriented towards installing them, to also adapt private buildings (first homes only) and, possibly, bonuses for those who decide to leave the red zone. And, the only certain thing, an immediate blockade for new constructions in the Capo Flegrei area. The Minister of Civil Protection explains the government’s orientation Nello Musumeci, at the end of an inter-ministerial summit with some colleagues and Prime Minister Meloni after the latest tremors. Which not only damaged some buildings, triggering evacuations for dozens of families, but is freezing those who live in the area with fear. At enormous risk, in recent weeks, if in the afternoon at the table of the Great Risks Committee there are those who put forward the proposal to raise the alert to the color orange. The one, so to speak, that would trigger the evacuations. But in the end the faintest yellow prevails even if the alert remains maximum. And it is no coincidence that during the summit convened by the Melons a detailed survey of the state of the art was carried out, distinguishing between the current situation and the necessary prevention and safety works. The first is constantly monitored by implementing what was established by the December decree while as regards prevention, say Palazzo Chigi, it will be defined on a broad spectrum with priority on making schools safe and guaranteeing continuity of essential services. Then private individuals and bonuses for those who decide to leave.

The minister

The summit lasts just over an hour while down in the street, a patrol of deputies from the Green and Left Alliance protest with a sit: «The Campi Flegrei need the bonus earthquake». At the table, however, in addition to Meloni who presides, the ministers of the Economy Giorgetti, of the Civil Protection Musumeci, of Education Valditara, the undersecretaries Rauti, Prisco and Mantovano as well as the head of the Civil Protection department Fabrizio Curcio and the prefect of Naples Michele Di Bari. It is then up to Musumeci to explain to reporters how the government is orienting itself. And if the leitmotif of the executive is to maintain calm, on the other Musumeci warns: «The scientific community says that the shocks can last a month, a year, they can evolve or die out tomorrow: we must be ready for any eventuality. We are working with the prefecture, with the Municipalities and with the Region to define an evacuation plan which remains in the drawer but if necessary – he warns – it must be implemented immediately”. Because, he adds, “those who chose to live there knew that it was a difficult area, which presents risks but we only remember this when the earth shakes and this is a great limit, we need vigilant coexistence with the danger”.
The excessive anthropization of the territory is in the spotlight and must absolutely be stopped: «Thousands of buildings and housing units have been built in that area, around 80 thousand people live there and this excessive anthropization of that territory had to be prevented in the past. Now it could create problems on the evacuation plan, on the expeditious plan and it is a condition we are working on”, is Musumeci’s warning.


“Now we will approve a rule to prohibit new constructions in the bradyseism area”, explains the minister before clarifying how private buildings to be adapted to anti-seismic regulations will be assessed in the coming months. «In the most dangerous area there are 1,250 houses that would be high seismic risk and 2,750 at medium risk”, he specifies even if the figures to be put on the table are not yet clear: “How much the government will be able to allocate, and with what methods to mitigate the risk of those who live there, we will evaluate only when the reconnaissance operation of the vulnerability of properties. Based on the amount of work to be tackled, the resources will be quantified.” «Except for illegal properties and second homes», Musumeci always points out. And then resources for those who decide to leave: «The government must support this choice: it is a hypothesis that I don’t think should be underestimated, we are thinking about it, tonight (yesterday, ed.) we have placed the issue at the center of the agenda». Even if the priority now is to adapt public buildings and infrastructure networks, starting with the road networks which also serve as escape routes. Alongside the minister, the prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, who is keen to reiterate how the situation is under control also from the point of view of safety: «It has been said of some incidents of looting but we rule it out in the main. It is not a new phenomenon when these events happen m

The controversies

While sparks are lit in the Chamber where confidence in the Superbonus was voted and where the opposition manages to pass an agenda on the bonus earthquake, the measure supported even in the last hours by the mayors and not included in the decree Phlegraean fields of December. But Musumeci clearly denies the hypothesis of the fiscal measure when reporters ask him the question: «There is the government’s intention – he says categorically – to commit resources to private buildings, but I exclude the earthquake-bonus method: we will find solutions alternatives, adequate, quicker”. And here are the controversies of the Democratic Party which just a couple of hours earlier had seen its agenda passed and announced “the maximum possible institutional collaboration” on this point.
Then to Montecitorio, in the Chamber, the minister’s clarification on the earthquake bonus arrives and chaos breaks out with the president in office. «What is happening on the Phlegraean fields certifies the inability of this right to govern the country. While in the Chamber – attacks Marco Sarracino, Dem deputy and head of the South of the Democratic Party – three agendas were approved by all the parties which went in the direction of the super earthquake bonus, Minister Musumeci in a press conference announced the impossibility of using of this tool. In addition to the obvious lack of internal coordination, Parliament and the work in support of local administrators committed to dealing with a serious emergency are humiliated.”


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