From the spotlights of Sanremo to the Two Towers. Indeed, in Casalecchio di Reno. Angelina Mango (photo above), winner of the last Festival with the hit song ‘La noia’, after participating in the Eurovision Song Contest, arrives this afternoon at 5pm at the Gran Reno shopping centre. Smiles, hugs, enthusiasm, but above all the signature copies of his latest album: ‘Pokè Melodrama’ (purchasable at the Feltrinelli store). The appointment is at the Food Court stage, where many fans are expected.

And precisely to keep the situation calm in terms of security, some rules are in place: to participate in the copy signing it is necessary to have downloaded the ‘IO&GRANRENO’ app and show the digital card (contained in the ‘My account’ section of the app) to be able to collect the access pass; the passes will be available on the same day of the event at the Info Box (on the ground floor); bring the CD/album with you, because without it you cannot access it (you can purchase the medium at the La Feltrinelli bookshop in Gran Reno); it is not allowed to take photos with your mobile phone, take selfies with the artist, request autographs on media other than those provided; the photos will be uploaded to the Gran Reno Facebook page; disabled people will have priority right to access the copy signing with only one companion and with the new original non-signed CD; minors under 16 must be accompanied by an adult (the latter will not be able to go on stage for the photo if he is not in possession of the CD).

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