Young man from Varallo at the final of the Mia Martini Prize

Young man from Varallo at the final of the Mia Martini Prize
Young man from Varallo at the final of the Mia Martini Prize

Young man from Varallo at the final of the Mia Martini Prize. The 22-year-old Simone Sagliaschi was selected with a song that talks about Giacolo Colombo, the boy who lost his sight at the age of 8 due to an illness.

Young man from Varallo at the final of the Mia Martini Prize

A man from Varallo at the final of the “Mia Martini New Proposals Award”. Simone Sagliaschi was selected as one of the finalists of the prestigious international award dedicated to young people with a very special unreleased song. With a text dedicated to a young Valsesian whose story is worth knowing and being inspired by the strength demonstrated in facing the difficulties that life has put in his path.

Simone Sagliaschi is 22 years old and works as a worker in a local company. The passion for singing was born about ten years ago and his first experiences in the world of singing competitions were in Varallo, on the stage of the Civic Theatre, where he also performed as part of the “Una Voce” competition for Alpàa”.

The competition dedicated to one of the most beautiful voices of Italian song

Up to the point of deciding to take part in the competition dedicated to young singers, aged 13 to 35, from all over Italy and Europe organized by the “Cultura e Spettacolo” association. A competition that gravitates precisely in the homeland of the singer-songwriter and musician Mia Martini who passed away in 1995, with the desire to enhance and promote the culture of singing and music by providing young participants with opportunities to meet with artistic, cultural and professional operators in the sector.

«The auditions to participate in the competition – explains Sagliaschi – began in January and step by step I reached the semi-finals which took place in Calabria, in Scalea, from 24 to 26 April. For the occasion I had to present an unreleased song which has now become very important for me because it talks about a truly very special person who I admire very much.”

A song for Giacomo

The song is titled “A luci extinguishe” and for its elaboration Sagliaschi collaborated with Cristian Robichon, for the song and the music, and Alessandro Debiaggi for the music. A very particular song that tells a story the story of Giacomo Colombo, the young man from Varallo who found himself living with blindness caused by an illness that struck him as a child.

«I am really very satisfied – adds Sagliaschi – especially because I had the opportunity to talk about Giacomo, a boy who I met when I joined the “Four Rioni” Carnival Committee and who I immediately admired greatly for his strength, for his way of relating to life and not letting himself be overwhelmed by difficulties.”

«Giacomo stops at nothing and always has a positive attitude and this aspect deserved to be shared with as many people as possible. In fact, my song talks about love from the point of view of a blind person and in this case it is about love for life that allows you to overcome any difficulty.”

The final in autumn

In autumn Simone will participate in the finals of the singing competition which will be held in Bagnara Calabra, the birthplace of Mia Martini and her younger sister Loredana Berté.

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